Everyday Cog
We've uploaded a photo a day, every working day for more than a decade.
It's a snapshot of studio life and a wonderful record of our long term working relationships.

3 January ’17
New Year, new job, new Jack. It’s Jack’s first day as our Head of Digital (maternity cover).
New Year, new job, new Jack. It’s Jack’s first day as our Head of Digital (maternity cover).

4 January ’17
Anna, Jack and Michael are running a communication at the very lively Urdang Dance Academy.
Anna, Jack and Michael are running a communication at the very lively Urdang Dance Academy.

5 January ’17
In a brief gap between a long day of meetings, Michael’s staked his claim on a quiet corner of The...
In a brief gap between a long day of meetings, Michael’s staked his claim on a quiet corner of The Green Room, at The Marlowe, in Canterbury.

6 January ’17
It’s three months since Dan joined us so today saw the ceremonial handover of his keys.
It’s three months since Dan joined us so today saw the ceremonial handover of his keys.

9 January ’17
Anna swapped desks this morning – she’s already spread beyond the new one. At least there are some exciting illustrations...
Anna swapped desks this morning – she’s already spread beyond the new one. At least there are some exciting illustrations on the way.

10 January ’17
Michael and Matt are visiting the BPI offices. They share them with The Brits team so Matt got to sit...
Michael and Matt are visiting the BPI offices. They share them with The Brits team so Matt got to sit amongst the Peter Blake and Tracey Emin designs.

11 January ’17
We’ve taken some time out to chat about a big new commission for The Marlowe.
We’ve taken some time out to chat about a big new commission for The Marlowe.

12 January ’17
Jack and Sæunn are at Royal College of Music in their fancy digital meeting room. New website coming soon.
Jack and Sæunn are at Royal College of Music in their fancy digital meeting room. New website coming soon.

13 January ’17
A surprise visit from Sam Scott Wood and her handsome (and surprisingly well behaved) son, Jesse.
A surprise visit from Sam Scott Wood and her handsome (and surprisingly well behaved) son, Jesse.

16 January ’17
Excitement and discussions in the office as the first pages of a new website are being viewed for snagging.
Excitement and discussions in the office as the first pages of a new website are being viewed for snagging.

17 January ’17
It’s nice to see Polly (previously at Art on the Underground) again. Becca’s meeting with her in her new role...
It’s nice to see Polly (previously at Art on the Underground) again. Becca’s meeting with her in her new role at Film and Video Umbrella.

18 January ’17
Jack and Becca are meeting with Munti, from our hosting partners at EveryCity.
Jack and Becca are meeting with Munti, from our hosting partners at EveryCity.

19 January ’17
We’re at Soho Theatre for our January Cog Night, that’s Richard Gadd peering over our shoulders.
We’re at Soho Theatre for our January Cog Night, that’s Richard Gadd peering over our shoulders.

20 January ’17
Early morning in Dalston. Michael and Jack popped in for coffee, croissants and chat with the team at Jane Wentworth...
Early morning in Dalston. Michael and Jack popped in for coffee, croissants and chat with the team at Jane Wentworth Associates. Thanks for hosting us.

23 January ’17
A mystery package has arrived for Dan. Actually it’s a proof of the brochure he’s designed for Wimbledon Foundation.
A mystery package has arrived for Dan. Actually it’s a proof of the brochure he’s designed for Wimbledon Foundation.

24 January ’17
Michael and Jack are at Finsbury Town Hall, talking to Will from Urdang Academy about their excellent enrolment system.
Michael and Jack are at Finsbury Town Hall, talking to Will from Urdang Academy about their excellent enrolment system.

25 January ’17
It’s Burns’ Night and Jack has made us all shortbread. Oh, and he’s wearing a kilt.
It’s Burns’ Night and Jack has made us all shortbread. Oh, and he’s wearing a kilt.

26 January ’17
Another day, another delivery. Sæunn’s just taken delivery of a package that’s as tall as her.
Another day, another delivery. Sæunn’s just taken delivery of a package that’s as tall as her.

27 January ’17
Sæunn and Jack have been ensconced in our creative room for most of the day. They seem happy.
Sæunn and Jack have been ensconced in our creative room for most of the day. They seem happy.

30 January ’17
Friend of Cog, Elke popped in to see Michael with her gorgeous daughter, Maija.
Friend of Cog, Elke popped in to see Michael with her gorgeous daughter, Maija.

31 January ’17
We’ve got a huge new print of one of Bob & Roberta Smith’s infamous pieces. It’s dwarfing Becca.
We’ve got a huge new print of one of Bob & Roberta Smith’s infamous pieces. It’s dwarfing Becca.