For our first Cog Night of 2022, we decided to visit GameBox, an immersive gaming experience in Southwark. It was also Tom’s first day with us, meaning a brilliant opportunity to get to know him.
Electric GameBox

We were greeted by friendly and accommodating staff that gave an explanation of what we were in for, including a few insightful tips for the last game.
After being instructed to put on some strange caps with antenne, we were led into an interactive digital room featuring projection mapping, touch screens and motion tracking.
Our experience in the GameBox was divided into four games. The first felt like a warm up which was certainly needed to get to grips with how our caps responded to the sensors. In pairs we had to bounce the ball between us, soon more balls were entering the court and it came quite a balancing act running forward and backwards, trying not to collide with a wall.

Things started to get a little more technical in the second game as we had to stay within a certain area, whilst catching and dodging counters.
The team really came into our own in the third game which required team work to remember and identify cards surrounding us in the room, utilising the four walls.
The fourth had a strong sense of Pac-man nostalgia, perhaps the most frustrating as it was most familiar yet easy to lose a life.

Throughout the games we were treated to an 80’s playlist, those of us waiting for our turn were able to bop along.
After the hour flew by, we graduated with a B+, but a worthy mention was our A- in team work!
GameBox was a fun evening, perfect anytime of year, for all ages. Hopefully our lack of agility didn’t scare away our newest member of the team.