Everyday Cog
We've uploaded a photo a day, every working day for more than a decade.
It's a snapshot of studio life and a wonderful record of our long term working relationships.

1 December ’21
Alex got first choice from our advent calendar.
Alex got first choice from our advent calendar.

2 December ’21
Today we had the Director of Jerwood Arts, Lili Geissendorfer for our Breakfast briefing to tell us all about the...
Today we had the Director of Jerwood Arts, Lili Geissendorfer for our Breakfast briefing to tell us all about the innovative lottery application process for their 1:1 fund

3 December ’21
Emma travelled to Manchester on Friday and spotted a festive looking Royal Exchange Theatre
Emma travelled to Manchester on Friday and spotted a festive looking Royal Exchange Theatre

6 December ’21
Michael’s having fun changing the printer toner
Michael’s having fun changing the printer toner

7 December ’21
Kristina, Alex and Anna went to meet Jess and Marie-Sophie at The Sixteen
Kristina, Alex and Anna went to meet Jess and Marie-Sophie at The Sixteen

8 December ’21
Some of the team are having a giggle at Michael and Emi looking very similar today
Some of the team are having a giggle at Michael and Emi looking very similar today

9 December ’21
Nick and Fletcher spent their Thursday evening watching the On Demand screening of Romeo and Juliet at Shakespeare’s Globe.
Nick and Fletcher spent their Thursday evening watching the On Demand screening of Romeo and Juliet at Shakespeare’s Globe.

10 December ’21
Emma visited Leeds on Friday and spotted the brilliant Anthony Burrill mural
Emma visited Leeds on Friday and spotted the brilliant Anthony Burrill mural

13 December ’21
Nick took Fletcher out for a lunchtime play in the field
Nick took Fletcher out for a lunchtime play in the field

14 December ’21
We’re so proud of the flag-based work we’re doing at Lewisham Borough of Culture that we have bought extras for...
We’re so proud of the flag-based work we’re doing at Lewisham Borough of Culture that we have bought extras for our studio

15 December ’21
Emily likes to admire her Christmas tree whilst she’s making tea.
Emily likes to admire her Christmas tree whilst she’s making tea.

17 December ’21
Emma was excited to show Kristina and Anna the Christmas tree decorations she’d made.
Emma was excited to show Kristina and Anna the Christmas tree decorations she’d made.

20 December ’21
Laura’s made it home for Christmas and is thrilled to see her one-eared and missing-tailed cat, Salmon. She’s not sure...
Laura’s made it home for Christmas and is thrilled to see her one-eared and missing-tailed cat, Salmon. She’s not sure the feeling is mutual…

22 December ’21
An early start as Michael pops in to wrap-up and power down the studio for the Christmas break.
An early start as Michael pops in to wrap-up and power down the studio for the Christmas break.