Everyday Cog
We've uploaded a photo a day, every working day for more than a decade.
It's a snapshot of studio life and a wonderful record of our long term working relationships.

1 May ’18
Michael’s been to see our friends at William Joseph. Here are Directors James Gadsby Peet and Stéphane Harrison in the...
Michael’s been to see our friends at William Joseph. Here are Directors James Gadsby Peet and Stéphane Harrison in the swanky cafe space beneath offices at Vox Studios.

2 May ’18
Tom’s got mail! Excited to try out his new camera Tom couldn’t wait to start snapping away.
Tom’s got mail! Excited to try out his new camera Tom couldn’t wait to start snapping away.

3 May ’18
Anna is presenting ideas to the Cultural Coasting team.
Anna is presenting ideas to the Cultural Coasting team.

4 May ’18
Michael and Anna stopped off, on the way back from a meeting, to see the wonderful Gillian Wearing statue of...
Michael and Anna stopped off, on the way back from a meeting, to see the wonderful Gillian Wearing statue of Millicent Fawcett, in Parliament Square.

8 May ’18
It’s our annual discussion day, We’re out for dinner with our friends from Eight Arms.
It’s our annual discussion day, We’re out for dinner with our friends from Eight Arms.

9 May ’18
Jack’s at Culture Geek, at the Royal Geographical Society, listening to talks about arts and digital projects.
Jack’s at Culture Geek, at the Royal Geographical Society, listening to talks about arts and digital projects.

10 May ’18
Winners! Razvan, Anna and Jack are celebrating their victory in Tuesday’s Scavenger Hunt. Each received a prize of £50.
Winners! Razvan, Anna and Jack are celebrating their victory in Tuesday’s Scavenger Hunt. Each received a prize of £50.

11 May ’18
Kim and Sarah, from the National Campaign for the Arts, are here for a good sort out of their archives,...
Kim and Sarah, from the National Campaign for the Arts, are here for a good sort out of their archives, which we store as Michale is their Executive Chair.

14 May ’18
Michael and Dan are out seeing clients across the capital.
Michael and Dan are out seeing clients across the capital.

15 May ’18
It’s Cog Night, we’re at Up the Creek for an impressive bill of comedy in aid of the All Hands...
It’s Cog Night, we’re at Up the Creek for an impressive bill of comedy in aid of the All Hands and Hearts charity.

16 May ’18
Michael and Jack are in a converted library, drinking tea and planning for a meeting.
Michael and Jack are in a converted library, drinking tea and planning for a meeting.

17 May ’18
Tom’s running off to play football. It’s been a while since we last had a sporty person in our team.
Tom’s running off to play football. It’s been a while since we last had a sporty person in our team.

18 May ’18
Jen, Craig and Rachel from South Bank have been in to see Anna about a new campaign.
Jen, Craig and Rachel from South Bank have been in to see Anna about a new campaign.

21 May ’18
Anna’s out doing a photoshoot with the lovely people at Wembley Park.
Anna’s out doing a photoshoot with the lovely people at Wembley Park.

22 May ’18
Jack’s on a call catching up with ENB and Tessitura.
Jack’s on a call catching up with ENB and Tessitura.

23 May ’18
Michael’s at the RSA to listen to a debate about the arts in education. Amongst the excellent panel was the...
Michael’s at the RSA to listen to a debate about the arts in education. Amongst the excellent panel was the world’s best teacher (winner of the $1M award) Andria Zafirakou.

24 May ’18
It’s all cycling and Champagne for Tom as he peddles off to pastures news. Ciao Tom.
It’s all cycling and Champagne for Tom as he peddles off to pastures news. Ciao Tom.

25 May ’18
Matt’s showing off his impressive multitasking skills while Dan and Anna are off on their holidays.
Matt’s showing off his impressive multitasking skills while Dan and Anna are off on their holidays.

29 May ’18
Emily’s modelling for a project that Dan’s been working on. It’s a secret Cog project, but we’ll tell you about...
Emily’s modelling for a project that Dan’s been working on. It’s a secret Cog project, but we’ll tell you about it soon..

30 May ’18
Michael’s popped in to see our friends at Eight Arms.
Michael’s popped in to see our friends at Eight Arms.

31 May ’18
It’s Dan’s birthday. The number of candles does not reflect his age.
It’s Dan’s birthday. The number of candles does not reflect his age.