Everyday Cog
We've uploaded a photo a day, every working day for more than a decade.
It's a snapshot of studio life and a wonderful record of our long term working relationships.

1 December ’16
Anna and Melissa went for a lunchtime stroll by the river… it was so cold the ‘beach’ was white with...
Anna and Melissa went for a lunchtime stroll by the river… it was so cold the ‘beach’ was white with frost.

2 December ’16
Cheers. We’re wishing Melissa well after she’s let the team know she’ll be leaving at the end of the year...
Cheers. We’re wishing Melissa well after she’s let the team know she’ll be leaving at the end of the year – a trip to New Zealand and a new role elsewhere. So we’re looking for a new Studio Manager; know anyone brilliant?

5 December ’16
Exciting! Dan’s got a copy of the King’s College brochure he’s been working on. It’s almost like Christmas!
Exciting! Dan’s got a copy of the King’s College brochure he’s been working on. It’s almost like Christmas!

6 December ’16
Its the most wonderful time of the year… as we get to show off our massive bauble.
Its the most wonderful time of the year… as we get to show off our massive bauble.

7 December ’16
Becca’s put her mark on the brick she made back in July… Here it is proudly featuring in the promo...
Becca’s put her mark on the brick she made back in July… Here it is proudly featuring in the promo video for The People’s Brick Company.

8 December ’16
Happy Birthday Sæunn!! A sparkly card and two cakes to celebrate our very hard working Project Manager. Sensibly she’s taking...
Happy Birthday Sæunn!! A sparkly card and two cakes to celebrate our very hard working Project Manager. Sensibly she’s taking her actual birthday, tomorrow, off work.

9 December ’16
Sæunn’s excited about her birthday AND Christmas.
Sæunn’s excited about her birthday AND Christmas.

12 December ’16
Sæunn’s ready to launch the beautiful new Graeae website … happy days!! We’re really proud of all the work that’s...
Sæunn’s ready to launch the beautiful new Graeae website … happy days!! We’re really proud of all the work that’s gone into this.

13 December ’16
Michael, Becca and Anna are in Canterbury, running a communications workshop with the lovely people from The Marlowe.
Michael, Becca and Anna are in Canterbury, running a communications workshop with the lovely people from The Marlowe.

14 December ’16
It’s Cog Christmas! We’re setting off for dinner in the west end.
It’s Cog Christmas! We’re setting off for dinner in the west end.

15 December ’16
Ben’s used his internship to create some wonderful work. We’re all impressed.
Ben’s used his internship to create some wonderful work. We’re all impressed.

16 December ’16
Ben’s brought us some home baked vegan treats on his last day interning at Cog. Thanks Ben!! We wish you...
Ben’s brought us some home baked vegan treats on his last day interning at Cog. Thanks Ben!! We wish you well on your next design adventures.

19 December ’16
Sugar high… sugar low. Anna’s had an overload of sugary Christmas treats…. and it’s all just got a bit much.
Sugar high… sugar low. Anna’s had an overload of sugary Christmas treats…. and it’s all just got a bit much.

20 December ’16
Michael and Anna are at Urdang Dance Academy, squeezing in a project planning meeting before everyone disappears for Christmas.
Michael and Anna are at Urdang Dance Academy, squeezing in a project planning meeting before everyone disappears for Christmas.

21 December ’16
Michael has given Melissa a beautiful vintage Goblin Teasmade as a farewell gift. Frequent tea rounds area favourite feature of...
Michael has given Melissa a beautiful vintage Goblin Teasmade as a farewell gift. Frequent tea rounds area favourite feature of Cog studio life, so this is a fitting gift to remind her of happy times at Cog.

22 December ’16
In a break from tradition, Michael is letting Melissa defrost the freezer as part of our seasonal shut-down. Merry Xmas.
In a break from tradition, Michael is letting Melissa defrost the freezer as part of our seasonal shut-down. Merry Xmas.