Everyday Cog
We've uploaded a photo a day, every working day for more than a decade.
It's a snapshot of studio life and a wonderful record of our long term working relationships.

1 June ’11
Setting-up a web-cast for the Royal Academy of Dance.
Setting-up a web-cast for the Royal Academy of Dance.

2 June ’11
Really pleased with these programmes for Museum Volunteer Awards.
Really pleased with these programmes for Museum Volunteer Awards.

3 June ’11
Chrys Livings, from GF Smith, brought us their new sampler books.
Chrys Livings, from GF Smith, brought us their new sampler books.

6 June ’11
John inspecting the Preisner, gatefold vinyl we designed for Sony.
John inspecting the Preisner, gatefold vinyl we designed for Sony.

7 June ’11
Ocky poses for his portrait on the new Cog website (coming soon).
Ocky poses for his portrait on the new Cog website (coming soon).

8 June ’11
Expression Engine training. Jack teaching us how to update our new site.
Expression Engine training. Jack teaching us how to update our new site.

9 June ’11
The brand guidelines for Commonwealth People’s Forum have arrived.
The brand guidelines for Commonwealth People’s Forum have arrived.

10 June ’11
Jack Armley’s (@jackcog) last day in our team. We wish him every success.
Jack Armley’s (@jackcog) last day in our team. We wish him every success.

13 June ’11
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Ocky making plans for tomorrow’s brand workshop
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Ocky making plans for tomorrow’s brand workshop

14 June ’11
13 members of the Dulwich Picture Gallery team at our studio for a brand workshop.
13 members of the Dulwich Picture Gallery team at our studio for a brand workshop.

15 June ’11
We’re planning a new job booking system, post-its are the perfect tool for almost any project.
We’re planning a new job booking system, post-its are the perfect tool for almost any project.

16 June ’11
A visit from Arts Council’s Sylvia, to chat through the latest proof of their project
A visit from Arts Council’s Sylvia, to chat through the latest proof of their project

17 June ’11
Today was a three coffee-pot day. Lots to do, early start and a late finish.
Today was a three coffee-pot day. Lots to do, early start and a late finish.

20 June ’11
Dryden Goodwin popped in to discuss the web presence we are building for his latest project.
Dryden Goodwin popped in to discuss the web presence we are building for his latest project.

21 June ’11
Our bi-monthly visit from the incredibly organised Kim Davenport Gee, finalising the new issue of Music Journal for the ISM.
Our bi-monthly visit from the incredibly organised Kim Davenport Gee, finalising the new issue of Music Journal for the ISM.

22 June ’11
A surreal moment. Walking back to the studio from Deptford, we passed Chris Moyles, dressed as a Morris Dancer.
A surreal moment. Walking back to the studio from Deptford, we passed Chris Moyles, dressed as a Morris Dancer.

23 June ’11
A huge, red, ‘signed off’ email, the official approaval for a new website project’s designs.
A huge, red, ‘signed off’ email, the official approaval for a new website project’s designs.

24 June ’11
Cognight. Our monthly cultural outing. This time to hear Simon Schama’s recollections of the Festival of Britain.
Cognight. Our monthly cultural outing. This time to hear Simon Schama’s recollections of the Festival of Britain.

27 June ’11
Rolling and wrapping the papers we’ve had printed for this year’s AMA conference.
Rolling and wrapping the papers we’ve had printed for this year’s AMA conference.

28 June ’11
Canadian student and illustrator, Anthony Gerace, has joined us for the summer.
Canadian student and illustrator, Anthony Gerace, has joined us for the summer.

29 June ’11
Who’d believe you can make a living creating faces from dried pasta?
Who’d believe you can make a living creating faces from dried pasta?

30 June ’11
Simon’s last day as a full-time Cog Designer. Tomorrow he will be an Associate team member.
Simon’s last day as a full-time Cog Designer. Tomorrow he will be an Associate team member.