Everyday Cog
We've uploaded a photo a day, every working day for more than a decade.
It's a snapshot of studio life and a wonderful record of our long term working relationships.

1 July ’13
Washing up with panache, at the end of another busy day.
Washing up with panache, at the end of another busy day.

2 July ’13
We’ve brought the biscuits out as Michael and Ben from Tincan are here, discussing the website design for Cast, the...
We’ve brought the biscuits out as Michael and Ben from Tincan are here, discussing the website design for Cast, the new performance venue in Doncaster.

3 July ’13
We have a harsh new environmental policy for the studio: if anyone leaves the toilet light on, we kill a...
We have a harsh new environmental policy for the studio: if anyone leaves the toilet light on, we kill a polar bear.

4 July ’13
Our accountant Mark popped in to talk through our ‘year-end’ figures. This is his 22nd annual visit to the Cog...
Our accountant Mark popped in to talk through our ‘year-end’ figures. This is his 22nd annual visit to the Cog studio.

5 July ’13
Mike casts a critical eye over our design for the new brochure for The Marlowe Studio.
Mike casts a critical eye over our design for the new brochure for The Marlowe Studio.

8 July ’13
Annelise went down to Greenwich Park on her lunch break this afternoon. It’s looking especially beautiful today thanks to the...
Annelise went down to Greenwich Park on her lunch break this afternoon. It’s looking especially beautiful today thanks to the glorious sunshine.

9 July ’13
Making Music were in again this morning and Michael talked through our latest ideas with a presentation. Apparently it’s always...
Making Music were in again this morning and Michael talked through our latest ideas with a presentation. Apparently it’s always sunny when they visit us. Coincidence? Well probably, but we prefer to think not.

10 July ’13
Ross is shocked at our decision to join Europe. We’re yet to tell him that the paper’s actually from 1973....
Ross is shocked at our decision to join Europe. We’re yet to tell him that the paper’s actually from 1973. It’s research for our next edition of The Centurion, part of our work for the London Philharmonic Orchestra to promote The Rest is Noise season.

11 July ’13
Ocky’s been ‘hanging out’ with Graham and Oliver from Cast, and Michael from from Tin Can. They’re discussing final tweaks...
Ocky’s been ‘hanging out’ with Graham and Oliver from Cast, and Michael from from Tin Can. They’re discussing final tweaks to the design of Cast’s new website.

12 July ’13
We’ve been to the V&A today to hear Jon Savage and Michael Bracewell talk about David Bowie and the music...
We’ve been to the V&A today to hear Jon Savage and Michael Bracewell talk about David Bowie and the music scene of the 70s and 80s.

15 July ’13
Ashley from STARS Foundation is here with us and Michael Kent today. We’ve been talking wireframes, site maps and, of...
Ashley from STARS Foundation is here with us and Michael Kent today. We’ve been talking wireframes, site maps and, of course, the weather.

16 July ’13
Emily Rozan has joined the Cog team for the next couple of weeks, on a placement to learn more about...
Emily Rozan has joined the Cog team for the next couple of weeks, on a placement to learn more about what it’s like to work in a design studio.

17 July ’13
We’ve been putting big holes on our desks to run wires and what not through. Michael took charge of the...
We’ve been putting big holes on our desks to run wires and what not through. Michael took charge of the hole making, as Nicola was a bit frightened of the big drill bit.

18 July ’13
After week’s of work, this year’s Arts Council Annual Review was laid before Parliament and published online. We’ve also provided...
After week’s of work, this year’s Arts Council Annual Review was laid before Parliament and published online. We’ve also provided some of the pages as interactive info-graphics.

19 July ’13
Michael’s been to the Midlands. He came across an old foe on the wall of mac birmingham.
Michael’s been to the Midlands. He came across an old foe on the wall of mac birmingham.

22 July ’13
We’re feeling the heat in the studio today, gone 5pm and still over 30 degrees.
We’re feeling the heat in the studio today, gone 5pm and still over 30 degrees.

23 July ’13
Michael’s in Canterbury, running a workshop with The Marlowe Theatre team. There were some pretty intense discussions, fuelled by biscuits...
Michael’s in Canterbury, running a workshop with The Marlowe Theatre team. There were some pretty intense discussions, fuelled by biscuits and sweets.

24 July ’13
Michael’s in Canterbury for the second day in a row. This time here’s there to talk to John Baker about...
Michael’s in Canterbury for the second day in a row. This time here’s there to talk to John Baker about their season brochure and membership magazine.

25 July ’13
Emily, who has been on a placement with us for the past 2 weeks, has brought in some cream cakes....
Emily, who has been on a placement with us for the past 2 weeks, has brought in some cream cakes. Mike, who has been acting as her mentor, is showing her the ropes when it comes to cake selection.

26 July ’13
It’s Ross’s birthday tomorrow. As per Cog birthday tradition, here he is with his birthday cake.
It’s Ross’s birthday tomorrow. As per Cog birthday tradition, here he is with his birthday cake.

29 July ’13
Top tip for removing permanent marker from a white board. Scribble over the permanent marker with a white board marker...
Top tip for removing permanent marker from a white board. Scribble over the permanent marker with a white board marker and wipe away, that, or don’t use permanent marker in the first place.

30 July ’13
We’ve been busy pinning ideas and designs on our creative room walls, and today, Ashley from STARS Foundation, has been...
We’ve been busy pinning ideas and designs on our creative room walls, and today, Ashley from STARS Foundation, has been in to chat through them with us.

31 July ’13
We’ve been to the Vanbrugh today for our monthly Cog Lunch. Here we are 20 minutes after arriving, eagerly awaiting...
We’ve been to the Vanbrugh today for our monthly Cog Lunch. Here we are 20 minutes after arriving, eagerly awaiting our meals, which we pre-ordered.