Everyday Cog
We've uploaded a photo a day, every working day for more than a decade.
It's a snapshot of studio life and a wonderful record of our long term working relationships.

1 December ’14
All smiles at UK Theatre. Michael’s meeting Gemma and David to recap on the success of their rebrand and make...
All smiles at UK Theatre. Michael’s meeting Gemma and David to recap on the success of their rebrand and make plans for 2015.

2 December ’14
Michael’s at the Royal Festival Hall with Brian from Tincan. They’ve been drinking heavily all afternoon – water and mint...
Michael’s at the Royal Festival Hall with Brian from Tincan. They’ve been drinking heavily all afternoon – water and mint tea.

4 December ’14
Michael and Jenny are at the Cultural Institute at King’s London. They’re meeting about our first commission from them. Around...
Michael and Jenny are at the Cultural Institute at King’s London. They’re meeting about our first commission from them. Around the tiny table are Susie Christensen, Stella Toonen, Fran Hegyi, Ulrika Hogberg and Jenny.

5 December ’14
We’re taking the morning out to shoot our Xmas ‘image’
We’re taking the morning out to shoot our Xmas ‘image’

5 December ’14
Tired and emotional. After 6 months here at Cog, Joe is moving on to new adventures.
Tired and emotional. After 6 months here at Cog, Joe is moving on to new adventures.

9 December ’14
“OK, one last time. This is small… but the one back there is far away. Small… far away…” Michael teaches...
“OK, one last time. This is small… but the one back there is far away. Small… far away…” Michael teaches the Cog team about perspective.

9 December ’14
The end of Michael’s first board meeting with the National Campaign for the Arts. Still round the table – AL...
The end of Michael’s first board meeting with the National Campaign for the Arts. Still round the table – AL Kennedy, Mark Pemberton, Sam West, Bob & Roberta Smith, and Peter Manning.

10 December ’14
It’s cold outside, the heating’s on full and we have a visitor warming their feet on our roof lights.
It’s cold outside, the heating’s on full and we have a visitor warming their feet on our roof lights.

11 December ’14
The Cog team, gathered in the Greenwich studio, about to head out for our Xmas meal.
The Cog team, gathered in the Greenwich studio, about to head out for our Xmas meal.

12 December ’14
Michael and Ross are at Crafts Council to chat about a new project.
Michael and Ross are at Crafts Council to chat about a new project.

15 December ’14
Sam and Michael are at the Transport for London HQ, talking websites with the Art on the Underground team… they...
Sam and Michael are at the Transport for London HQ, talking websites with the Art on the Underground team… they took the bus there.

16 December ’14
Lydia made us a crazy advent calendar loosely based on the 12 days of Christmas. Today was the 12th working...
Lydia made us a crazy advent calendar loosely based on the 12 days of Christmas. Today was the 12th working day of the month; here she is demonstrating the drumsticks drumming.

17 December ’14
Sometimes we get sent amazing presents from our friends and clients (they are especially good when they match our outfits)....
Sometimes we get sent amazing presents from our friends and clients (they are especially good when they match our outfits). Friday’s G&Ts are going to be splendid!

18 December ’14
It’s relatively mild but we’re still shivering as Lydia takes the roll-call during our fire-drill.
It’s relatively mild but we’re still shivering as Lydia takes the roll-call during our fire-drill.

19 December ’14
It’s the last day with everyone in the studio so Michael surprised us with some bubbles to celebrate 2014 and...
It’s the last day with everyone in the studio so Michael surprised us with some bubbles to celebrate 2014 and toast the year to come.

22 December ’14
Like an alcohol angel, Adrian descended on us with a crate of cider from Apple Colour printers.
Like an alcohol angel, Adrian descended on us with a crate of cider from Apple Colour printers.

23 December ’14
Here’s Razvan in his last working minutes of 2014. It’s his first entry to our Everyday Cog photo competition, and...
Here’s Razvan in his last working minutes of 2014. It’s his first entry to our Everyday Cog photo competition, and our last entry of the year.