Festive food, winky waiters, and charming company.
Cog Christmas 2014

The night started with festive drinks, and secret santa gifts. A mixture of the thoughtful, useful and bizarre….rabbit lights, robot timers, comedy mugs, and sketchbooks, to name a few. After the traditional group photo by the Christmas tree, we bundled ourselves up, and headed out into the cold night.
Our first stop was the Southbank Centre Christmas market, which was a buzzing with traders selling everything from door wreaths to local cider. Inevitably the group was whittled down to three members, from eight, by the time we reached the Christmas tree maze, with many group members having succumbed to the temptations inside little wooden huts, fairy lights and tempting warm drinks.
Drinks were poured, crackers pulled, and bad food related jokes were read.
Somehow we all made it to the Brasserie Blanc restaurant in time for our Christmas dinner. Amicable waiters greeted us with lots of smiles and winks as they took our drinks order. Drinks were poured, crackers pulled, and bad food-related jokes were read.
After toasting a memorable 2014, we set about taking ‘very serious’ arty photos of team members through wine glasses, and discussing the important topic of when we are all allowed to open Christmas presents on Christmas day.
Our starters arrived, and there was a short game of pass the plates as waiters worked out who had ordered what. Our table fell quiet as we started to eat.
Always a good sign.
After we had eaten, we heard tales of team member’s past jobs, the good and the bad. And, as the team has gained has quite a few new members this year, all enjoyed getting to know each other a little better.
We left happy, clutching our culinary cracker toys, and feeling duly full and merry.
A very happy Christmas everyone!

Lydia attempting to create an origami turkey out of a paper napkin.