We were proud to see our branding work across London on this day of celebration as Lewisham takes the reins as London Borough of Culture.
We are Lewisham Day One

We’ve been working with the teams at Lewisham Council and The Albany to create the branding for We Are Lewisham, starting back in summer of 2021. It was a personal project for many of us being residents in the borough, and Cog’s original home in Deptford.
In November we were hugely proud to see our branding and website go live, via a launch event at the Rivoli Ballroom.
And on the eve of the year-log activity, artistic director Gavin Barlow joined us for one of our monthly Breakfast Briefings.

Friday 28th January was Day One. It marked the official start of the year of activity. One the day we wove our way around the borough to see the events unfold and our brand unfurl.

The idea for the year is to centre the community in the programming, with co-creation at its heart to make events by and with the people of the borough. We worked with the team to name the year ‘We are Lewisham’ to reflect this and created the flag as the heart of our brand to allow people to fly it with pride.
The events across the day brought this community together to build excitement. Anna started the day seeing dancers at Deptford station, as transport hubs were filled with activity. Later on, we added our threads to the identity tapestry.

Events continued into the evening, with Kristina proudly taking in the film at Piccadilly, and Michael in Lewisham town to see Sadiq Khan and Lewisham mayor Damien Egan open the year.
The year promises to continue the celebratory feel with events that honour the history as well as looking to the future with work with young people and around climate crisis themes. We’ve created the website with easily searchable listings for what’s coming up.
We’re so proud to be a part of what will be a transformative year for our local borough, and will continue to spot the brand out and about.