Everyday Cog
We've uploaded a photo a day, every working day for more than a decade.
It's a snapshot of studio life and a wonderful record of our long term working relationships.

2 November ’20
Emma’s left herself a note to remind her about our new way of working.
Emma’s left herself a note to remind her about our new way of working.

3 November ’20
Michael set us a quiz to see if we could spot who had musically plagiarised whom.
Michael set us a quiz to see if we could spot who had musically plagiarised whom.

4 November ’20
In an unprecedented ‘Wednesday’ breakfast briefing, Emi started our day, leading a discussion about CSS, and how to arrange pigs,...
In an unprecedented ‘Wednesday’ breakfast briefing, Emi started our day, leading a discussion about CSS, and how to arrange pigs, ducks and rabbits.

5 November ’20
Anna’s been catching up with her other colleagues today.
Anna’s been catching up with her other colleagues today.

6 November ’20
We’re cheers-ing the end of the week this evening.
We’re cheers-ing the end of the week this evening.

9 November ’20
Jen has made a chocolate and raspberry cake for her Bake Off from home entry.
Jen has made a chocolate and raspberry cake for her Bake Off from home entry.

10 November ’20
A combination of a badly lit flat and daylight savings means that Ed looks very spooky on Zoom calls in...
A combination of a badly lit flat and daylight savings means that Ed looks very spooky on Zoom calls in the afternoon.

11 November ’20
Ed’s popped into the studio to manage some maintenance today. He’s certainly enjoying the space.
Ed’s popped into the studio to manage some maintenance today. He’s certainly enjoying the space.

12 November ’20
Jen has just put live a new online checkout for Soho Theatre.
Jen has just put live a new online checkout for Soho Theatre.

16 November ’20
Anna’s back from holiday and of course catching up on the Everyday Cogs.
Anna’s back from holiday and of course catching up on the Everyday Cogs.

17 November ’20
Michael and Anna caught up with Aerowaves Claudia and Anna.
Michael and Anna caught up with Aerowaves Claudia and Anna.

18 November ’20
Ed’s learning a lot about SEO at Morena’s workshop this morning.
Ed’s learning a lot about SEO at Morena’s workshop this morning.

19 November ’20
We’re having team drinks before our virtual Cog Night at The Albany.
We’re having team drinks before our virtual Cog Night at The Albany.

20 November ’20
Alex went to the Culture Geek Conference today with attendees from around the world all at his usual desk.
Alex went to the Culture Geek Conference today with attendees from around the world all at his usual desk.

23 November ’20
Ed wandered down to Woolwich yesterday to take a look at new arts venue Woolwich works which opens in 2021.
Ed wandered down to Woolwich yesterday to take a look at new arts venue Woolwich works which opens in 2021.

24 November ’20
Jen has got a new assistant, Ron is here to help with all things digital.
Jen has got a new assistant, Ron is here to help with all things digital.

25 November ’20
Anna’s succumbed to the early Christmas decorating with a mini poinsettia.
Anna’s succumbed to the early Christmas decorating with a mini poinsettia.

26 November ’20
Breakfast briefing with the lovely Jo Sigsworth, telling us about the Unlocked season at Nottingham Playhouse.
Breakfast briefing with the lovely Jo Sigsworth, telling us about the Unlocked season at Nottingham Playhouse.

27 November ’20
Ed’s enjoying some goodies designed by illustrator and Cog fave Dale Crosby Close.
Ed’s enjoying some goodies designed by illustrator and Cog fave Dale Crosby Close.

30 November ’20
Anna’s having a great Monday catchup with these two.
Anna’s having a great Monday catchup with these two.