Everyday Cog
We've uploaded a photo a day, every working day for more than a decade.
It's a snapshot of studio life and a wonderful record of our long term working relationships.

1 February ’21
Illuminating. Michael’s set up his magnifying light to work on some close up typography.
Illuminating. Michael’s set up his magnifying light to work on some close up typography.

2 February ’21
Anna and Jen met with some of the Rich Mix team to think about audiences for their learning and participation...
Anna and Jen met with some of the Rich Mix team to think about audiences for their learning and participation work.

3 February ’21
Michael’s mentoring new design students from University of Greenwich.
Michael’s mentoring new design students from University of Greenwich.

4 February ’21
Ed hosted our breakfast briefing and spoke about the ways we strive towards a sustainable studio.
Ed hosted our breakfast briefing and spoke about the ways we strive towards a sustainable studio.

5 February ’21
Anna and Ed have sent out the Cultural Calendar this Friday.
Anna and Ed have sent out the Cultural Calendar this Friday.

8 February ’21
Anna did some baking at the weekend so she can have a luxury tea break this morning.
Anna did some baking at the weekend so she can have a luxury tea break this morning.

9 February ’21
It’s a snowy day in South East London but the team are keeping warm.
It’s a snowy day in South East London but the team are keeping warm.

10 February ’21
The sun is shining on Jen’s new desk this morning.
The sun is shining on Jen’s new desk this morning.

11 February ’21
Michael’s working outside because it’s such a lovely day.
Michael’s working outside because it’s such a lovely day.

15 February ’21
Ed’s updating his Zoom background by moving pictures around.
Ed’s updating his Zoom background by moving pictures around.

16 February ’21
We’re learning all we can about Drawing Room and Tannery Arts.
We’re learning all we can about Drawing Room and Tannery Arts.

17 February ’21
It was green jumpers and green fingers all round for Jen’s catch-up with the design team.
It was green jumpers and green fingers all round for Jen’s catch-up with the design team.

18 February ’21
Ed’s been sorting bits and bobs in the studio today, and taking selfies using our thermostat.
Ed’s been sorting bits and bobs in the studio today, and taking selfies using our thermostat.

19 February ’21
It’s Emma’s birthday tomorrow so we’re cheers-ing her on Zoom.
It’s Emma’s birthday tomorrow so we’re cheers-ing her on Zoom.

22 February ’21
It’s announcement day. Maybe we’ll hear whether venues can reopen and the arts can flourish again.
It’s announcement day. Maybe we’ll hear whether venues can reopen and the arts can flourish again.

23 February ’21
Michael and Jen were on a call with the team at Royal Court. It was lovely to see Robert, so...
Michael and Jen were on a call with the team at Royal Court. It was lovely to see Robert, so joyful at being in the building.

24 February ’21
Ed’s opened the paints her ordered on his lunch break. Stay tuned for some bad weekend lockdown art.
Ed’s opened the paints her ordered on his lunch break. Stay tuned for some bad weekend lockdown art.

25 February ’21
We were joined by Steve and Nev from Tickets for Good for our breakfast briefing this morning.
We were joined by Steve and Nev from Tickets for Good for our breakfast briefing this morning.

26 February ’21
Anna’s had the sunnies on for her lunchtime walk.
Anna’s had the sunnies on for her lunchtime walk.