Everyday Cog
We've uploaded a photo a day, every working day for more than a decade.
It's a snapshot of studio life and a wonderful record of our long term working relationships.

1 October ’13
Michael’s speaking at a Museums Show-off event in Camden. He has nine minutes to explain our two years of work...
Michael’s speaking at a Museums Show-off event in Camden. He has nine minutes to explain our two years of work for The Beaney.

2 October ’13
Visiting a potential new client, Michael and Ross had to cross a field full of potentially angry sheep. Ross placated...
Visiting a potential new client, Michael and Ross had to cross a field full of potentially angry sheep. Ross placated them by staring their leader into submission.

3 October ’13
It’s Ocky’s birthday, he’s now in his mid-to-late-mid-something-or-others. Either way, as he’s shown us, you’re never too old to blow...
It’s Ocky’s birthday, he’s now in his mid-to-late-mid-something-or-others. Either way, as he’s shown us, you’re never too old to blow out candles on your birthday cake.

4 October ’13
Mike’s been stocking up on chocolate bars in the hope of winning a bar of gold. What a fine excuse...
Mike’s been stocking up on chocolate bars in the hope of winning a bar of gold. What a fine excuse for excessive chocolate consumption. Better luck next time though.

7 October ’13
We’ve received copies of the kids googly eye glasses we designed for part of the Family Arts Festival. Annelise was...
We’ve received copies of the kids googly eye glasses we designed for part of the Family Arts Festival. Annelise was first to model them in the studio.

8 October ’13
Michael’s been to a DBA seminar: Design for Profit. here’s a shaky picture of the prophets who spoke Tim Greenhalgh,...
Michael’s been to a DBA seminar: Design for Profit. here’s a shaky picture of the prophets who spoke Tim Greenhalgh, Lee Coomber, Joe Ferry, Greg Quinton, Lee Sankey, Nick Roope.

9 October ’13
We’ve moved our lightbox to our reception area, now our visitors will have a really creative welcome.
We’ve moved our lightbox to our reception area, now our visitors will have a really creative welcome.

10 October ’13
Michael and Ocky are at the British Library, presenting ideas for… well, we can’t tell you that at the moment.
Michael and Ocky are at the British Library, presenting ideas for… well, we can’t tell you that at the moment.

11 October ’13
Through the power of the internet, Michael has been sharing his wisdom with a class full of design students in...
Through the power of the internet, Michael has been sharing his wisdom with a class full of design students in Sweden.

14 October ’13
Dave’s busy sketching ideas for our new website, but we’re keeping them a closely guarded secret (for now).
Dave’s busy sketching ideas for our new website, but we’re keeping them a closely guarded secret (for now).

15 October ’13
Greg’s checking proofs we’ve received of The Marlowe Theatre’s Spring Season brochure, which we’ve been working on for the past...
Greg’s checking proofs we’ve received of The Marlowe Theatre’s Spring Season brochure, which we’ve been working on for the past few weeks.

16 October ’13
Ross is reading through the fourth and final edition of The Centurion newspaper, which we designed for the London Philharmonic...
Ross is reading through the fourth and final edition of The Centurion newspaper, which we designed for the London Philharmonic Orchestra’s ”The Rest is Noise” season.

17 October ’13
Michael’s popped in to the Royal Ballet School, to see Annalise Cunild (who we used to work with when she...
Michael’s popped in to the Royal Ballet School, to see Annalise Cunild (who we used to work with when she was at Arts Council England).

18 October ’13
Michael and Annelise are facilitating a communications workshop with members of the Incorporated Society of Musicians (and some of their...
Michael and Annelise are facilitating a communications workshop with members of the Incorporated Society of Musicians (and some of their members).

21 October ’13
James Williams from Canterbury City Council has been into the Cog studio today to have a chat with Michael, and...
James Williams from Canterbury City Council has been into the Cog studio today to have a chat with Michael, and to meet our fish, Dave, Dave, Dave and Davina.

22 October ’13
We’re not sure why, but there’s been a mass meeting of men in hi-vis outside the studio this morning. We...
We’re not sure why, but there’s been a mass meeting of men in hi-vis outside the studio this morning. We felt a bit sorry the chap (top right) left all on his on.

23 October ’13
We’re having new ‘daylight’ lighting installed in our creative room. Our electrician, Jamshid, has been working hard and we’re noticing...
We’re having new ‘daylight’ lighting installed in our creative room. Our electrician, Jamshid, has been working hard and we’re noticing the difference already.

24 October ’13
We’re celebrating Halloween early, Ross won our coveted best costume award.
We’re celebrating Halloween early, Ross won our coveted best costume award.

25 October ’13
We’re continuing our early Halloween celebrations. Today the grim reaper/Skeletor from He-Man/Geordie Dave in a mask has joined us for...
We’re continuing our early Halloween celebrations. Today the grim reaper/Skeletor from He-Man/Geordie Dave in a mask has joined us for a spot of Annelise’s homemade pumpkin cake.

28 October ’13
A bit of wind and some fallen trees have caused travel chaos in London this morning. The back window of...
A bit of wind and some fallen trees have caused travel chaos in London this morning. The back window of this Yaris by our studio was one of the victims of the storm.

29 October ’13
We’ve designed a report for the Commonwealth Foundation. File copies have just been delivered so Dave and Annelise are having...
We’ve designed a report for the Commonwealth Foundation. File copies have just been delivered so Dave and Annelise are having a little look.

30 October ’13
Ross has been to the Halloween themed D&AD President’s Lecture to see four entertaining speakers talk about the biggest ‘horror...
Ross has been to the Halloween themed D&AD President’s Lecture to see four entertaining speakers talk about the biggest ‘horror stories’ of their careers.

31 October ’13
Nicola appears to have lost her head in all the halloween excitement.
Nicola appears to have lost her head in all the halloween excitement.