We’ve raided our wardrobes and un-boxed our Christmas decorations. Each member of the team got #Christmassy4Cog in a festive photoshoot for our online Christmas card.
Merry Christmas 2015

December is full-on in the Cog studio. To disguise his Grinch-like distrust of the merriment, Michael (our Director) insists that we only play Xmas music. It’s fun to start with, but it’s two weeks in and it’s wearing pretty thin.
To pay him back we’ve made him the Scrooge of our online ‘card’. It’s an interactive web page.
For the full experience, you can also download the Cog Xmas playlist from Spotify, and listen along.
Or be our Spotify friend and you can find out what we’re listening to all the time.
Despite Michael’s grumpiness, we had a lot of fun making the ‘card’. After fierce debate over who would get to wear the Christmas lights, everyone picked an outfit and we spent an afternoon trying to look our most festive (as you can see, at least one of us stayed in character all afternoon).
There’s a behind-the-scenes video above and some photos below…
Ross Granger in charge of lights, Anna Serocold in charge of action.
Becca Muir in her fetching Xmas tree outfit.
The chocolate coins didn’t last the full day of photography.
The split-second when we managed to get Michael to smile.
Anna’s very tall so we had to prop the tripod up on books.
Sæunn Sævarsdottir, dressed like the sparkly captain of the Icelandic football team.
Jazz hands. Sam Scott Wood performs for the camera.
We all (even Michael) wish a Merry Christmas and a Coggy New Year to all our clients, colleagues and friends!
View our Christmas card online
And Instagram your Xmas outfits #Christmassy4Cog, for your chance to win a bottle of festive fizz.