Everyday Cog
We've uploaded a photo a day, every working day for more than a decade.
It's a snapshot of studio life and a wonderful record of our long term working relationships.

1 August ’17
Jack’s at the AMA conference, and the rest of us are in the studio, frantically producing our annual top tips.
Jack’s at the AMA conference, and the rest of us are in the studio, frantically producing our annual top tips.

2 August ’17
Anna is getting busy checking through the proofs for Marlowe Theatre’s season brochure.
Anna is getting busy checking through the proofs for Marlowe Theatre’s season brochure.

3 August ’17
We had our monthly show and tell today where we share websites that we’ve liked.
We had our monthly show and tell today where we share websites that we’ve liked.

4 August ’17
The South London Gallery team are here to pour through the details of their new site.
The South London Gallery team are here to pour through the details of their new site.

7 August ’17
Jack is lending a helpful hand to discover the cause of our printing problems.
Jack is lending a helpful hand to discover the cause of our printing problems.

8 August ’17
Michael’s at King’s College London, meeting Oliver Stannard and Katherine Bond, Director of their Cultural Institute.
Michael’s at King’s College London, meeting Oliver Stannard and Katherine Bond, Director of their Cultural Institute.

9 August ’17
Dan, Jack and Michael are in Darlington for a workshop with the Theatre Hullabaloo team, with special guest Rebecca from...
Dan, Jack and Michael are in Darlington for a workshop with the Theatre Hullabaloo team, with special guest Rebecca from the Darlington Hippodrome.

10 August ’17
Emily reviews her surprise finds in the Cog storage cupboard.
Emily reviews her surprise finds in the Cog storage cupboard.

11 August ’17
Selma from Artsadmin popped in this morning to chat about the Unlimited websites we designed and what’s next for the...
Selma from Artsadmin popped in this morning to chat about the Unlimited websites we designed and what’s next for the programme.

14 August ’17
We’re at Impact, helping them to reconsider their personality and brand.
We’re at Impact, helping them to reconsider their personality and brand.

15 August ’17
We’ve donated our expertise to design a new campaign, with ISM and a-n, to fight for the free movement of...
We’ve donated our expertise to design a new campaign, with ISM and a-n, to fight for the free movement of creative people, post Brexit.

16 August ’17
Freya from SLG popped in today to be trained on a temporary site that we’ve built until their new site...
Freya from SLG popped in today to be trained on a temporary site that we’ve built until their new site is ready.

17 August ’17
It’s coming up to the 5th anniversary of the opening of The Beaney in Canterbury. They’ve come to the studio...
It’s coming up to the 5th anniversary of the opening of The Beaney in Canterbury. They’ve come to the studio to record an interview with Michael about our role in naming and creating their branding.

21 August ’17
Becca’s back from her trips to Edinburgh and Sicily with treats.
Becca’s back from her trips to Edinburgh and Sicily with treats.

22 August ’17
We’re at Parasol unit, presenting initial design work to Ziba Ardalan and her team.
We’re at Parasol unit, presenting initial design work to Ziba Ardalan and her team.

23 August ’17
Anna went to King’s to discuss new concepts for Cultural Kings.
Anna went to King’s to discuss new concepts for Cultural Kings.

24 August ’17
Emily has been at the British Red Cross, practising her CPR on her team and Annie the patient.
Emily has been at the British Red Cross, practising her CPR on her team and Annie the patient.

25 August ’17
The designers are going back to basics, with pens and paper, and great ideas (for a new branding project).
The designers are going back to basics, with pens and paper, and great ideas (for a new branding project).

29 August ’17
Gianfranco is here, from the Lovie Awards, talking to us about the Risk and Reward of digital projects.
Gianfranco is here, from the Lovie Awards, talking to us about the Risk and Reward of digital projects.

30 August ’17
Warhols on the wall, ceramic pistols on the tables. Jack and Michael are in an uber-trendy hotel, waiting to be...
Warhols on the wall, ceramic pistols on the tables. Jack and Michael are in an uber-trendy hotel, waiting to be collected for a website pitch meeting.

31 August ’17
It’s Cog Night! We’re at the Banqueting Hall experiencing the hidden history of The Lost Palace.
It’s Cog Night! We’re at the Banqueting Hall experiencing the hidden history of The Lost Palace.