We build long-term partnerships with the most exciting arts organisations in the UK.

Derby Museums Since 2022

11 August ’22
It’s breakfast briefing time! This week with Tony Butler from the Museum of Making in Derby.

31 March ’22
Alex and Michael are in the Midlands, meeting with our lovely new clients – Derby Museums.
Discover Children’s Story Centre Since 2019

24 September ’20
Breakfast briefing with the always lovely Jess from Discover Children's Story Centre.

Complex bookings made simple and fun

4 September ’19
Jen's pushing the big red button to launch the new Discover site.

12 July ’19
Jess and MK from Discover came in to look over the final designs for their new website.

12 June ’19
Anna, Jack and Jen are at Discover to meet some of their board members and talk about their new website.

4 June ’19
We're at Discover chatting with their team about designs for their new website.

3 June ’19
Jack and Jen are mapping out the user journeys of Discover's audience.

24 April ’19
Jen, Jack and Anna went on a tour of the Discover Story Centre.

2 April ’19
It's kick-off day for our new project with Discover. Jess and MK are here to meet with Jack, Anna and Michael.
Horniman Museum and Gardens Since 2019

12 February ’25
Alex was out today visiting the lovely team at the Horniman Museum to discuss new work on their collections web pages.

Squeezing a world of content into a museum site
Horniman Museum and Gardens

29 June ’20
Razvan's pet terrapin is helping him work on the Horniman site today.

24 June ’20
We're celebrating the Horniman's Great Walrus Tea Party today. Here's Patsy Alex's home stitched walrus, tucking into the cakes early.

19 September ’19
Jen, Claire and Anna took in the view at the Horniman before their meeting.

15 August ’19
Claire & Jack are exploring the Horniman after a quick client catch-up.

16 July ’19
Jack, Claire and Anna went to the Horniman to catch up with Connie and the team.

21 May ’19
Jack and Connie are butterfly spotting, having been chatting through the site architecture for the Horniman's new site.

Team outing to the Horniman Museum and Gardens
The Horniman Museum and Gardens is a landmark for South London. Lots of the team had visited over the years, but do we know it as well as we think?

14 March ’19
The team spent the afternoon exploring the Horniman Museum and Gardens.

27 February ’19
Anna, Claire and Jack are back at the Horniman leading a workshop about audiences.

26 February ’19
Anna and Jack are visiting the Horniman's Study Collection Centre and delving into lots of their many, many objects.

25 February ’19
Anna, Alex and Jack are at the Horniman, leading a communications workshop with their staff team.

20 February ’19
Anna, Jack and Michael are at Horniman Museum, meeting with Connie and Nick, their Director. Chatting about future vision planning and how our website project will feed into those plans.

13 February ’19
Anna, Jack and Michael are at Horniman Museum, kicking-off the major website project we've just begun with them.

17 January ’19
Jack's meeting our new client Connie, and the Walrus, at the Horniman Museum & Gardens to talk about a new website for them.

6 December ’18
Michael and Anna were given out-of-hours access to the World Gallery at the Horniman Museum. Here's Anna, leading a school of fish and following a shark.
Got a project in mind?
It’s always exciting to talk about a potential new project. We don’t have any ‘sales’ people; give us a call or drop us a line and we’ll find the best team member to chat it all through.