We build long-term partnerships with the most exciting arts organisations in the UK.

Bertha Dochouse Since 2020

The UK's first cinema dedicated to documentary
Bertha Dochouse website

The Joycean Society at Bertha Dochouse
For our March Cog night we visited Bertha Dochouse to see a fascinating duo of documentaries as part of the Obsessions season. Justin give us his thoughts.

7 March ’23
Emma and Spencer celebrated the launch of Bertha DocHouse with the team (and a red button press).

31 August ’22
Tom and Jenny from Bertha Dochouse popped in to discuss designs with Emma.

11 May ’22
Emma and Alex saw This Much I Know To Be True at the Bertha DocHouse screen in Bloomsbury Curzon.

2 March ’22
Anna, Emma and Michael are kicking off a new project with the team at Bertha Dochouse.
Gulbenkian Arts Centre Since 2016

29 September ’21
Michael and Anna are in Canterbury, visiting Dave at The Gulbenkian.

1 October ’19
Lucy went down to Canterbury recently to visit the team at Gulbenkian.

13 November ’17
Michael's back in Canterbury, chatting websites with The Gulbenkian team.

16 October ’17
We're in Canterbury, visiting Dave and Jesse at the Gulbenkian.

30 May ’17
Dave and Jess, from The Gulbenkian, are here for training in their new website's content management system.

3 November ’16
Sam, Sæunn and Michael are in Canterbury, running a communications workshop at Gulbenkian.
Rich Mix Since 2018

29 January ’21
Anna had a socially distanced tour of the Rich Mix building today.

An eclectic multi-space arts venue and cinema
Rich Mix website

Culture for a changing city
Rich Mix branding

Happy 28th Cog
To help us celebrate our 28th we’ve thrown a party at Rich Mix for our clients, friends and family. Chief party organiser, Emily gives her take on the evening.

4 October ’18
Anna and Michael are at Rich Mix for the launch of their new season (and branding and website). They took a lot of photos of the lovely new signage.

11 September ’18
The Rich Mix team are here to learn more about the ways their new website is going to make the venue even better than it already is.

3 September ’18
Anna’s been meeting with the two Jens at Rich Mix this afternoon.

20 August ’18
The Rich Mix Jens are here to talk about their new site.

19 July ’18
Drama in venue one at Rich Mix as Jack and Anna prepare to share some initial website concepts with Jen and Eddie.

22 June ’18
It's workshop day at Rich Mix. Michael and Anna worked with a big group of enthusiastic staff, in Venue 1.

18 June ’18
Jack and Michael are visiting our new clients, Rich Mix. They're in the board room, chatting with Eddie Berg and Jen Bartle.

6 June ’18
Jack and Michael are meeting with Jen at Rick Mix for a kick-off meeting about a new website.

Time Share at Rich Mix
The Cog team went to the Rich Mix to watch the UK premiere of Time Share as part of the East End Film Festival.

18 April ’18
Cog Night – we're at Rich Mix to see the film, Timeshare.
Tyneside Cinema Since 2020

27 February ’24
Laura's been with Rob at Tyneside Cinema, being shown Spektrix in action.

Capturing Newcastle's cinematic spirit
Tyneside Cinema

18 May ’20
We've launched the second phase of Tyneside Cinema's website and Jen has made her own big red button.

8 November ’19
London Calling. Anna and Jen are on a video call to Newcastle and the lovely people at Tyneside Cinema.

5 November ’19
Jen and Anna are booking tickets to Newcastle for their meetings with Tyneside Cinema.

1 August ’19
Jen and Jack are looking at the newsreel artefacts at Tyneside.
Got a project in mind?
It’s always exciting to talk about a potential new project. We don’t have any ‘sales’ people; give us a call or drop us a line and we’ll find the best team member to chat it all through.