We build long-term partnerships with the most exciting arts organisations in the UK.

Aerowaves Since 2020

20 March ’24
Jo's celebrating the launch of Aerowave's restructured site with her first ever red button press!

28 July ’21
Emma's flicking through the new Aerowaves celebratory book.

17 November ’20
Michael and Anna caught up with Aerowaves Claudia and Anna.

30 September ’20
As we tip into Autumn, we're talking about Spring with the team at Aerowaves.

23 September ’20
Michael's been running an online workshop with new clients, Aerowaves.
Akram Khan Company Since 2015

Akram Khan’s Giselle by ENB (again)
Our April Cog Night was a hybrid digital broadcast. Akram Khan’s Giselle by ENB provided an opportunity for some to watch from the studio and others to join from home. And we got to experience the digital platform we created foe ENB.

25 April ’23
Nazma's found her 2016 programme from Giselle to accompany the virtual Cog night watch of the show.

31 October ’22
The site refresh for Akram Khan Company is live!

The essence of world-class choreography
Akram Khan Company

5 February ’20
The lovely people from Akram Khan Company are here to chat with Anna, Jen and Michael about the plans for their anniversary year.

23 April ’19
Alex had a great catchup with Céline, Nathan and Hannah from Akram Khan Company.

4 October ’17
Céline and Max from the Akram Khan Company came into the studio today to chat about an exciting new project.

Akram Khan’s Giselle at Sadler’s Wells
Akram Khan's influences from Kathak and contemporary offer a striking take on the classic romantic ballet, beautifully performed by the cast of English National Ballet.

20 May ’16
Anna and Sæunn pulling out the moves as part of the Big Dance Pledge, a worldwide co-ordinated performance choreographed by Akram Kahn, and with music composed by Nitin Sawhney.

Akram Khan’s Until the Lions at Roundhouse
January's Cog Night was the World Premiere of Akram Khan Company's Until the Lions at Roundhouse.

13 January ’16
Over lunch we're talking about our favourite websites. Michael's choice was our own design for Akram Khan Company's site which we launched yesterday.

12 January ’16
It's January's Cog Night, we're out at Roundhouse for the World Premiere of Akram Khan's Until the Lions.

21 December ’15
Céline and Natalie from Akram Khan company are here so we can handover the new website which will launch in the new year.

23 November ’15
Anna and Sam are meeting Céline from Akram Khan Company to go over our designs for their new website.

28 October ’15
The kick off meeting with new clients. Lindsey Dear and Céline Gaubert are here to discuss a new digital project for Akram Khan.
Candoco Dance Company Since 2018

Expanding perceptions of dance

28 February ’20
Anna, Michael, and Ed are at Laban Theatre this evening to see a double bill of shows by Candoco.

26 November ’19
Lucy is pushing our big red button to launch the new site we've created for the fantastic Candoco Dance Company live.

26 July ’19
Jack, Lucy, Claire and Anna went over to Laban Theatre to see a preview of Candoco's new work 'Hot Mess.'

14 June ’19
Lucy from Candoco is in the studio to chat through designs for their new website.

18 March ’19
Client klaxon, Alex had a great catch-up with Lucy from Candoco about all things digital.

13 March ’19
Anna, Jack and Alex are chatting to Candoco's artistic co-directors, Charlotte and Ben, and executive director, Jo, about their new website.

12 March ’19
Anna, Alex and Jack are chatting with the dancers from Candoco about creating new work and what Candoco means to different people.

5 March ’19
Anna, Alex and Jack are leading a workshop about audiences with Candoco Dance Company.

24 January ’19
Alex, Jack and Michael are meeting with Candoco's Lucy and Jo. Excitingly, they are here to kick-off a new website project.

9 November ’18
Michael and Jack are at the Paul Hamlyn Foyer at the Royal Opera House for a lunchtime performance by (new clients) Candoco.
Crying Out Loud Since 2003

17 February ’25
We've launched a new site for our friends at Crying Out Loud. We've been working together for three decades.

16 April ’24
Jo, Marta and Nick were down in a sunny Portsmouth for a workshop with the team at Crying Out Loud. Here's artistic director Rachel giving them a fascinating tour of the docks where their offices are located.

20 September ’17
Jackie from Crying Out Loud popped in the studio to talk about their website and their big plans for next year.

22 June ’17
Goldsmith's photography student, Anna, is on a work placement with our friends at Crying Out Loud. She popped in to hear more about how we work and the process behind our websites.

11 December ’15
Sæunn & Becca with Jess at the Crying Out Loud Christmas breakfast.

6 October ’15
Sam's in Brighton to see Shobana Jeyasingh Dance, and also spotted Crying Out Loud on the cover of the Brighton Dome brochure.

20 August ’15
Sam and Becca are having a Google Analytics healthcheck with Jackie and Minnie from Crying Out Loud.
English National Ballet Since 2013

17 September ’24
Charlotte Marshall, from ENB, is here to learn more about the nuts and bolts of their website.

23 July ’24
On her first client visit, Beth was given a tour of English National Ballet's HQ, by El from their digital team.

15 November ’23
New team members from English National Ballet are here for some website training with Lottie.

24 October ’23
English National Ballet's TNEW upgrade is live.

Akram Khan’s Giselle by ENB (again)
Our April Cog Night was a hybrid digital broadcast. Akram Khan’s Giselle by ENB provided an opportunity for some to watch from the studio and others to join from home. And we got to experience the digital platform we created foe ENB.

1 December ’22
Spencer and Lottie are visiting the incredible rehearsal studio at English National Ballet.

18 October ’22
Emily has pressed the big red button on our new website for English National Ballet.

ENB’s Reunion at Sadler’s Wells
Our May Cog Night was our first in-person experience in nine months. Ed gives his take on ENB's grand Reunion at Sadler's Wells.

World-class ballet to a global audience
English National Ballet

28 January ’20
Anna, Jen and Michael are at English National Ballet's HQ, talking with Dan and Heather about branding and websites.

21 January ’20
Jen and Kathleen are running a training session with Gabrielle from English National Ballet.

19 October ’18
Dan from ENB is in the studio chatting about changes we're planning for their site.

7 March ’18
Today is all about English National Ballet. Sofie is here to learn more about how to upload content, and Dan is chatting with Jack about Tessitura ticketing.

30 November ’17
It's website training day (again) for the English National Ballet team.

16 May ’17
Mathilde has popped in for training on the new English National Ballet website.

10 April ’17
Croissants, cake and Coke Zero. We're meeting with Dan from English National Ballet, chatting about their newly launched website as part of our post-launch process.

14 February ’17
It's website training day. Becca and Jack are taking the English National Ballet team through their new site.

6 February ’17
We're putting the finishing touches to a new website for English National Ballet. Dan's here to talk with Anna about the details.

Akram Khan’s Giselle at Sadler’s Wells
Akram Khan's influences from Kathak and contemporary offer a striking take on the classic romantic ballet, beautifully performed by the cast of English National Ballet.

15 November ’16
The Cog team at Sadler's Wells, all sparkly excited for English National Ballet's performance of Akram Kahn's Giselle...

20 October ’16
English National Ballet's Daniel and Heather are here to look through their latest website designs.

28 July ’16
Sam and Anna went to talk through design concepts with Dan and Heather from ENB

5 July ’16
We're running a workshop at English National Ballet. The mirrored room is a bit intimidating.

16 June ’16
Heather and Dan from English National Ballet are here for the kick-off meeting about a new project.

9 December ’14
"OK, one last time. This is small… but the one back there is far away. Small… far away…" Michael teaches the Cog team about perspective.

22 August ’14
Choices, choices. Heather Clark Charrington, from English National Ballet, is here to look over the results from a recent photoshoot.

21 July ’14
The looming figure of Ross and his magnifying glass, comparing photos from last week’s shoot for ENB.

11 July ’14
'Alas, poor Yulerick, I knew him well…’ We’ve taken delivery of some glittery baubles this afternoon for a christmas photo shoot project.

19 June ’14
Ross is at the Royal Albert Hall to see a performance by one of our clients. Who is it? Here is a subtle clue, by way of a 10-foot-tall logo (on a luminous pink lorry-trailer).

12 August ’13
Mike and Annelise have been working at a photoshoot today with photographer Eric Richmond, a makeup artist and a ballerina.
Gulbenkian Arts Centre Since 2016

29 September ’21
Michael and Anna are in Canterbury, visiting Dave at The Gulbenkian.

1 October ’19
Lucy went down to Canterbury recently to visit the team at Gulbenkian.

13 November ’17
Michael's back in Canterbury, chatting websites with The Gulbenkian team.

16 October ’17
We're in Canterbury, visiting Dave and Jesse at the Gulbenkian.

30 May ’17
Dave and Jess, from The Gulbenkian, are here for training in their new website's content management system.

3 November ’16
Sam, Sæunn and Michael are in Canterbury, running a communications workshop at Gulbenkian.
London Studio Centre Since 2021

23 March ’22
Anna went to speak to foundation students at Chelsea Centre for the Creative Industries.
Got a project in mind?
It’s always exciting to talk about a potential new project. We don’t have any ‘sales’ people; give us a call or drop us a line and we’ll find the best team member to chat it all through.