Authored opinions, cultural reviews and industry insights from our team, peers and clients.
ZU-UK: Radio Ghost and Within Touching Distance
Michael took part in two excellent immersive experiences from ZU-UK: Radio Ghost and Within Touching Distance. They both moved him...
Five tips for website analytics using GA4
Nazma shares 5 of her top tips to take your website reporting into 2024 using Google Analytics and their GA4...
Skate at Somerset House
November's Cog Night was a skate around the courtyard at Somerset House. Nazma and Lily share their thoughts.
A more mindful approach, thoughts from the MCG Conference
Alex attended the 2023 Museums Computer Group conference and it left him feeling mindful and pensive about how we build...
SEO Resources – Arts Marketing Association Digital Day 2023
Cog's Digital Strategist, Nazma Noor, has put together some useful links and resources to accompany her SEO talk at the...
Untitled: F*ck M*ss S**gon Play
October’s Cog Night was Untitled: F*ck M*ss S**gon Play at Young Vic. Nazma shares her rundown of the evening.
The National Portrait Gallery
September's Cog Night saw Lily visiting the recently reopened National Portrait Gallery. Here are her thoughts:
Edinburgh Fringe (and Festival) 2023
Michael has been to the world's biggest arts festival. He’s written some notes to help him remember. There might be...
Punchdrunk: The Burnt City
Our August Cog Night was an immersive experience, hosted by masters of their art, Punchdrunk. Michael gives his thoughts on...
AMA Conference 2023
Nick, Emma and Spencer reflect on their time at the conference which was all about putting ‘Audiences at the Heart’
A Playlist for the Revolution at The Bush Theatre
Alex gives his perspective on our recent Cog Night at The Bush Theatre.
Manchester International Festival 2023
MIF took over the city and overtook Nazma's social life for the month, including her fourth stint as a festival...
RHLSTP (Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theatre podcast)
Rounding off an eventful discussion day, we took a trip to Leicester Square Theatre for this month’s Cog Night. Laura...
CAttS at Soho Theatre
May's Cog Night took us to see Frankie Thompson's CAttS, Justin gives us his thoughts and sings thanks for the meowmories!
Akram Khan’s Giselle by ENB (again)
Our April Cog Night was a hybrid digital broadcast. Akram Khan’s Giselle by ENB provided an opportunity for some to...
Should we be worried about AI?
Alex's recent Breakfast Briefing was about the basics of artificial intelligence, we enjoyed it so much we thought we should...
Up the Arts! Typo Circle at D&AD
On 30th March '23 Michael gave a talk, for TypoCircle, at D&AD's headquarters. it was titled 'Up The Arts!'.
The Joycean Society at Bertha Dochouse
For our March Cog night we visited Bertha Dochouse to see a fascinating duo of documentaries as part of the...