We build long-term partnerships with the most exciting arts organisations in the UK.

Aerowaves Since 2020

20 March ’24
Jo's celebrating the launch of Aerowave's restructured site with her first ever red button press!

28 July ’21
Emma's flicking through the new Aerowaves celebratory book.

17 November ’20
Michael and Anna caught up with Aerowaves Claudia and Anna.

30 September ’20
As we tip into Autumn, we're talking about Spring with the team at Aerowaves.

23 September ’20
Michael's been running an online workshop with new clients, Aerowaves.
Akram Khan Company Since 2015

Akram Khan’s Giselle by ENB (again)
Our April Cog Night was a hybrid digital broadcast. Akram Khan’s Giselle by ENB provided an opportunity for some to watch from the studio and others to join from home. And we got to experience the digital platform we created foe ENB.

25 April ’23
Nazma's found her 2016 programme from Giselle to accompany the virtual Cog night watch of the show.

31 October ’22
The site refresh for Akram Khan Company is live!

The essence of world-class choreography
Akram Khan Company

5 February ’20
The lovely people from Akram Khan Company are here to chat with Anna, Jen and Michael about the plans for their anniversary year.

23 April ’19
Alex had a great catchup with Céline, Nathan and Hannah from Akram Khan Company.

4 October ’17
Céline and Max from the Akram Khan Company came into the studio today to chat about an exciting new project.

Akram Khan’s Giselle at Sadler’s Wells
Akram Khan's influences from Kathak and contemporary offer a striking take on the classic romantic ballet, beautifully performed by the cast of English National Ballet.

20 May ’16
Anna and Sæunn pulling out the moves as part of the Big Dance Pledge, a worldwide co-ordinated performance choreographed by Akram Kahn, and with music composed by Nitin Sawhney.

Akram Khan’s Until the Lions at Roundhouse
January's Cog Night was the World Premiere of Akram Khan Company's Until the Lions at Roundhouse.

13 January ’16
Over lunch we're talking about our favourite websites. Michael's choice was our own design for Akram Khan Company's site which we launched yesterday.

12 January ’16
It's January's Cog Night, we're out at Roundhouse for the World Premiere of Akram Khan's Until the Lions.

21 December ’15
Céline and Natalie from Akram Khan company are here so we can handover the new website which will launch in the new year.

23 November ’15
Anna and Sam are meeting Céline from Akram Khan Company to go over our designs for their new website.

28 October ’15
The kick off meeting with new clients. Lindsey Dear and Céline Gaubert are here to discuss a new digital project for Akram Khan.
The Albany Since 2017

11 September ’24
We're at The Albany summer 'garden' party. The weather was unkind but the entertainment and company were delightful.

Sun & Sea
For our July Cog Night we were excited for a collaboration between three of our clients. Emily gives her verdict.

Deptford's hub of culture and community
The Albany

R.A.P. Party 10th Anniversary Celebration
For our November Cog Night we enjoyed The Albany's livestream of R.A.P. Party. Kristina shares her summary of the evening.

Drawing the Line at The Albany
For our May Cog night we ventured around the corner to Deptford Lounge to see the award-winning show Drawing the Line. Emily gives her take on the evening.

6 August ’18
We're just pushed the big red launch button on a new website for The Albany in Deptford.

9 April ’18
Kate and Gavin from the Albany are in the studio to chat about designs for the Albany's website.

The Head Wrap Diaries at The Albany
Vicky Igbokwe’s Uchenna Dance brought their movement-based tales of West African heritage and English urban upbringing to our local venue, The Albany in Deptford. Michael tells us what he thought of the show (and thinks of the venue).

15 March ’18
The Albany team are in the studio to chat about how they use their ticketing system, Spektrix.

15 February ’18
Gavin Barlow and Kate Farrell are here, talking with anna about designs for The Albany's website.

16 November ’17
Michael and Anna are at The Albany, running workshops into the evening.

9 November ’17
Michael and Anna are at The Albany, in Deptford, running the first of three workshops with their different stakeholder groups.

2 October ’17
We're at The Albany is Deptford, chatting with Gavin Barlow and Kate Farrell about their need for a new website.

Until You Hear That Bell at The Albany
Through the timed 'rounds' on a boxing clock, Sean Mahoney tells the tale of his growth into adulthood. For our April Cog Night, we walked to Deptford to hear his story and soak in the atmosphere of the gym.
Art on the Underground Since 2006

22 May ’24
Laura Mc is wearing her special moquette socks while she works on the Art on the Underground website.

Contemporary art on a secure platform
Art on the Underground

12 October ’17
Always lovely to meet with Eleanor Pinfield and Jess Davies-Malloy from the Art on the Underground team. Even better when we get to do it on the swanky roof-terrace of the Transport for London offices.

14 November ’16
Becca's got a bag of merch from Art on the Underground.

23 March ’16
Sam and Polly from Art on the Underground with the new Matt Rogers poster.

28 July ’15
Artist Giles Round is here with Kiera Blakey and Polly Wright from the Art on the Underground team.

21 July ’15
Michael and Becca are at the Art on the Underground Summer Party.

20 July ’15
We've all been using our new Art on the Underground to get to work. Thanks Polly!

26 May ’15
We are really pleased with the new Art on The Underground website. We think it looks great...and it comes in different sizes.

12 May ’15
Becca popped over to Art on the Underground. Here is Polly working on the new website that we built for them.

15 December ’14
Sam and Michael are at the Transport for London HQ, talking websites with the Art on the Underground team... they took the bus there.

8 October ’14
We've just received a lovely new book from Art On The Underground, Sam's the first to check it out.
Belgrade Theatre Since 2019

A successful site, optimistically rebranded
Belgrade Theatre 2024

28 February ’24
Belgrade Theatre's brand new website is live!

Oh yes we did – moving panto online
We helped theatres across the country stream their 2020 pantos online during local lockdowns.

Placing theatre centre-stage in the City of Culture
Belgrade Theatre 2020

8 April ’20
We've launched a new site for Belgrade Theatre – we couldn't quite give it the fanfare it deserved but we tried with home-made confetti.

21 February ’20
The lovely people from Belgrade Theatre have travelled from Coventry to see us (and get training on their wonderful new website).

13 December ’19
Nicola, Ray and Emma from the Belgrade came in to see how the website designs are taking shape

21 November ’19
On Love Theatre Day Jen, Anna and Claire are meeting the team at the Belgrade Theatre.

17 October ’19
We're in Coventry, running a web workshop with the lovely team at Belgrade Theatre.

10 October ’19
We're in Coventry for a kick-off meeting with new clients – Belgrade Theatre.
Bertha Dochouse Since 2020

The UK's first cinema dedicated to documentary
Bertha Dochouse website

The Joycean Society at Bertha Dochouse
For our March Cog night we visited Bertha Dochouse to see a fascinating duo of documentaries as part of the Obsessions season. Justin give us his thoughts.

7 March ’23
Emma and Spencer celebrated the launch of Bertha DocHouse with the team (and a red button press).

31 August ’22
Tom and Jenny from Bertha Dochouse popped in to discuss designs with Emma.

11 May ’22
Emma and Alex saw This Much I Know To Be True at the Bertha DocHouse screen in Bloomsbury Curzon.

2 March ’22
Anna, Emma and Michael are kicking off a new project with the team at Bertha Dochouse.
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra Since 2019

Building a digital library for streamed concerts using Spektrix
Using some Spektrix magic we've created a more personalised experience for Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra's digital audiences.

A cultural beacon with global reach
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra

BSO@Home: Eight plus Eight
The BSO are running a series of concerts in person and online. Ed caught a livestream of their latest performance.

Selling streamed concerts (for BSO) using Spektrix
Monetise your digital content using your ticketing system. Jen explains how we’ve helped Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra by setting up a digital paywall using Spektrix.

6 June ’19
Lucy is launching our new site for the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra!

16 May ’19
Alex is down in Poole CMS training with Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.

25 March ’19
Anthony and Nick from Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra are in the studio to chat about their new website with Jack and Anna.

15 February ’19
Anna and Emily K are chatting through site plans and designs for Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.

23 January ’19
Emily K, Jack and Anna are in Poole meeting with the team at The Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.

13 December ’18
Jack, Emily and Michael are in Poole, running a web workshop with our new client, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.

7 August ’13
Michael’s in Bournemouth, on holiday. Whilst there he’s popped in to see ex-Cogger, John Burton, and his dog Izzy.
Breathe Arts Health Research Since 2021

15 November ’22
Michael, Anna and Alex were at the 10th anniversary party for Breathe Arts, Health Research last night. In the very swanky Sea Containers building.

25 October ’22
Much excitement for the first in person studio visit from our friends at Breathe.

12 July ’21
Push the button. Nick and Alex have launched a new site for Breathe.

10 March ’21
Anna had a guest at her meeting with the Breathe team.
Candoco Dance Company Since 2018

Expanding perceptions of dance

28 February ’20
Anna, Michael, and Ed are at Laban Theatre this evening to see a double bill of shows by Candoco.

26 November ’19
Lucy is pushing our big red button to launch the new site we've created for the fantastic Candoco Dance Company live.

26 July ’19
Jack, Lucy, Claire and Anna went over to Laban Theatre to see a preview of Candoco's new work 'Hot Mess.'

14 June ’19
Lucy from Candoco is in the studio to chat through designs for their new website.

18 March ’19
Client klaxon, Alex had a great catch-up with Lucy from Candoco about all things digital.

13 March ’19
Anna, Jack and Alex are chatting to Candoco's artistic co-directors, Charlotte and Ben, and executive director, Jo, about their new website.

12 March ’19
Anna, Alex and Jack are chatting with the dancers from Candoco about creating new work and what Candoco means to different people.

5 March ’19
Anna, Alex and Jack are leading a workshop about audiences with Candoco Dance Company.

24 January ’19
Alex, Jack and Michael are meeting with Candoco's Lucy and Jo. Excitingly, they are here to kick-off a new website project.

9 November ’18
Michael and Jack are at the Paul Hamlyn Foyer at the Royal Opera House for a lunchtime performance by (new clients) Candoco.
The Comedy Store Since 2019

7 October ’24
It looks like Michael's on stage with his new improv troupe – the lovely team at The Comedy Store.

Bringing the laughs and custom ticketing solutions
The Comedy Store

10 March ’20
Jen's pushing the big red button to get the Comedy Store site live.

5 March ’20
Tommy and Seb, from The Comedy Store are here to chat about a final polish of their new website (going live very soon). They bought us gifts of mango bubble tea. Cheers!

30 January ’20
It's training day – The Comedy Store team are here to learn the ways of the web.

19 November ’19
Anna and Jen met the Comedy Store team (in person and on Skype) to look over the designs for their new site.

16 October ’19
The Comedy Store team are here. Anna is showing initial design ideas for a new website.

‘The best of stand up’ at The Comedy Store
Our September Cog night was a trip to Leicester Square's legendary The Comedy Store. It was Lydia's first Cog outing and we promised her 'the best of stand up'.

27 August ’19
Jen and Claire are at The Comedy Store, chatting about websites. A great excuse to grace that world-famous stage.

20 August ’19
Anna, Jen and Michael are in Manchester, getting to know the team at The Comedy Store.
Crying Out Loud Since 2003

16 April ’24
Jo, Marta and Nick were down in a sunny Portsmouth for a workshop with the team at Crying Out Loud. Here's artistic director Rachel giving them a fascinating tour of the docks where their offices are located.

20 September ’17
Jackie from Crying Out Loud popped in the studio to talk about their website and their big plans for next year.

22 June ’17
Goldsmith's photography student, Anna, is on a work placement with our friends at Crying Out Loud. She popped in to hear more about how we work and the process behind our websites.

11 December ’15
Sæunn & Becca with Jess at the Crying Out Loud Christmas breakfast.

6 October ’15
Sam's in Brighton to see Shobana Jeyasingh Dance, and also spotted Crying Out Loud on the cover of the Brighton Dome brochure.

20 August ’15
Sam and Becca are having a Google Analytics healthcheck with Jackie and Minnie from Crying Out Loud.
Derby Museums Since 2022

11 August ’22
It’s breakfast briefing time! This week with Tony Butler from the Museum of Making in Derby.

31 March ’22
Alex and Michael are in the Midlands, meeting with our lovely new clients – Derby Museums.
Derby Theatre Since 2022

6 May ’22
Nick is spending his birthday with an evening visit to Derby Theatre for a show.

12 August ’21
Anna, Nick and Michael are in Derby, meeting their team and chatting about websites.

14 June ’21
We had a great morning with the enthusiastic Derby Theatre team. There were surprisingly few cats.
Discover Children’s Story Centre Since 2019

24 September ’20
Breakfast briefing with the always lovely Jess from Discover Children's Story Centre.

Complex bookings made simple and fun

4 September ’19
Jen's pushing the big red button to launch the new Discover site.

12 July ’19
Jess and MK from Discover came in to look over the final designs for their new website.

12 June ’19
Anna, Jack and Jen are at Discover to meet some of their board members and talk about their new website.

4 June ’19
We're at Discover chatting with their team about designs for their new website.

3 June ’19
Jack and Jen are mapping out the user journeys of Discover's audience.

24 April ’19
Jen, Jack and Anna went on a tour of the Discover Story Centre.

2 April ’19
It's kick-off day for our new project with Discover. Jess and MK are here to meet with Jack, Anna and Michael.
Edinburgh Science Since 2023

2 April ’24
Nick received a lovely box of thank you brownies from our friends at Edinburgh Science.

21 February ’24
Whilst in Scotland, Nick and Emma jumped at a chance to visit Edinburgh Science.

12 February ’24
Nick is looking appropriately studious as he launches our fab new website for Edinburgh Science Festival.

13 June ’23
Emma and Nick kicked off their website project for Edinburgh Science Festival with an audience focused workshop.
English National Ballet Since 2013

17 September ’24
Charlotte Marshall, from ENB, is here to learn more about the nuts and bolts of their website.

23 July ’24
On her first client visit, Beth was given a tour of English National Ballet's HQ, by El from their digital team.

15 November ’23
New team members from English National Ballet are here for some website training with Lottie.

24 October ’23
English National Ballet's TNEW upgrade is live.

Akram Khan’s Giselle by ENB (again)
Our April Cog Night was a hybrid digital broadcast. Akram Khan’s Giselle by ENB provided an opportunity for some to watch from the studio and others to join from home. And we got to experience the digital platform we created foe ENB.

1 December ’22
Spencer and Lottie are visiting the incredible rehearsal studio at English National Ballet.

18 October ’22
Emily has pressed the big red button on our new website for English National Ballet.

ENB’s Reunion at Sadler’s Wells
Our May Cog Night was our first in-person experience in nine months. Ed gives his take on ENB's grand Reunion at Sadler's Wells.

World-class ballet to a global audience
English National Ballet

28 January ’20
Anna, Jen and Michael are at English National Ballet's HQ, talking with Dan and Heather about branding and websites.

21 January ’20
Jen and Kathleen are running a training session with Gabrielle from English National Ballet.

19 October ’18
Dan from ENB is in the studio chatting about changes we're planning for their site.

7 March ’18
Today is all about English National Ballet. Sofie is here to learn more about how to upload content, and Dan is chatting with Jack about Tessitura ticketing.

30 November ’17
It's website training day (again) for the English National Ballet team.

16 May ’17
Mathilde has popped in for training on the new English National Ballet website.

10 April ’17
Croissants, cake and Coke Zero. We're meeting with Dan from English National Ballet, chatting about their newly launched website as part of our post-launch process.

14 February ’17
It's website training day. Becca and Jack are taking the English National Ballet team through their new site.

6 February ’17
We're putting the finishing touches to a new website for English National Ballet. Dan's here to talk with Anna about the details.

Akram Khan’s Giselle at Sadler’s Wells
Akram Khan's influences from Kathak and contemporary offer a striking take on the classic romantic ballet, beautifully performed by the cast of English National Ballet.

15 November ’16
The Cog team at Sadler's Wells, all sparkly excited for English National Ballet's performance of Akram Kahn's Giselle...

20 October ’16
English National Ballet's Daniel and Heather are here to look through their latest website designs.

28 July ’16
Sam and Anna went to talk through design concepts with Dan and Heather from ENB

5 July ’16
We're running a workshop at English National Ballet. The mirrored room is a bit intimidating.

16 June ’16
Heather and Dan from English National Ballet are here for the kick-off meeting about a new project.

9 December ’14
"OK, one last time. This is small… but the one back there is far away. Small… far away…" Michael teaches the Cog team about perspective.

22 August ’14
Choices, choices. Heather Clark Charrington, from English National Ballet, is here to look over the results from a recent photoshoot.

21 July ’14
The looming figure of Ross and his magnifying glass, comparing photos from last week’s shoot for ENB.

11 July ’14
'Alas, poor Yulerick, I knew him well…’ We’ve taken delivery of some glittery baubles this afternoon for a christmas photo shoot project.

19 June ’14
Ross is at the Royal Albert Hall to see a performance by one of our clients. Who is it? Here is a subtle clue, by way of a 10-foot-tall logo (on a luminous pink lorry-trailer).

12 August ’13
Mike and Annelise have been working at a photoshoot today with photographer Eric Richmond, a makeup artist and a ballerina.
Floral Pavilion Since 2023

5 March ’24
A virtual red button press to launch Floral Pavillion's gorgeous new site.

3 July ’23
Nick, Nazma and Emma are in New Brighton running a workshop for Floral Pavilion, with the glorious backdrop of the river Mersey.
Foundling Museum Since 2021

9 December ’24
Laura Mc made a soggy trip to see our friends at the Foundling Museum.

Where creative action transforms lives
Foundling Museum website

26 January ’22
Nick’s pressing the red button, the new Foundling Museum has gone live!

19 April ’21
Emma, Anna and Michael are running a workshop with The Foundling Museum. Their first website (in 2004) was our job #152. Their new site is #9994.

1 April ’21
Emma and Anna got to go to a real life meeting this afternoon, extremely exciting and inspiring.
Graeae Theatre Company Since 2016

8 November ’23
We've launched Graeae's new website!

23 August ’23
Spencer's been training the Graeae team on their shiny new website... Watch this space.

11 April ’23
Spencer and Emma dropped by Graeae to chat through wireframes and design development.

8 December ’22
Liam from Graeae is here to talk about a new website project.

12 December ’16
Sæunn's ready to launch the beautiful new Graeae website ... happy days!! We're really proud of all the work that's gone into this.

16 November ’16
The lovely people of Graeae are here to chat about their website.

3 August ’16
We're at Graeae's London 2012 Paralympics panel event at the National Theatre. The discussion centred around the impact of the opening ceremony, Spasticus Autisticus.

14 July ’16
Michael met an old foe tonight. He and Matt were at Graeae for a dress rehearsal of their joyous Reasons To Be Cheerful show.

6 July ’16
Today, Sam and Matt are running a workshop is with the lovely people at Graeae Theatre Company.
Gulbenkian Arts Centre Since 2016

29 September ’21
Michael and Anna are in Canterbury, visiting Dave at The Gulbenkian.

1 October ’19
Lucy went down to Canterbury recently to visit the team at Gulbenkian.

13 November ’17
Michael's back in Canterbury, chatting websites with The Gulbenkian team.

16 October ’17
We're in Canterbury, visiting Dave and Jesse at the Gulbenkian.

30 May ’17
Dave and Jess, from The Gulbenkian, are here for training in their new website's content management system.

3 November ’16
Sam, Sæunn and Michael are in Canterbury, running a communications workshop at Gulbenkian.
The Hallé Since 2022

28 April ’23
The new site for The Hallé is live!

20 April ’22
Michael and Anna are in Manchester, running a workshop with the enthusiastic team from the Hallé.
HOME Since 2021

4 October ’24
Nazma had a chance meeting with our lovely client Petra from Liverpool Biennial, during an evening out at another client venue - HOME in Manchester.

3 November ’23
Michael's in Manchester. He popped by HOME for a drink with Bonnie and Julie.

1 September ’22
Nick has pressed the red button and launched our new website for HOME in Manchester.

15 February ’22
Alex, Tom Emma and Anna went up to Manchester to see the HOME team

20 October ’21
Alex, Anna and Michael are at HOME. Thanks to their team for lunch and useful chats.

16 September ’21
After attending an AMA session about sustainability, Ed's checking out HOME's fantastic bee project.

15 September ’21
Alex has pressed the red button for the launch of our latest site with HOME in Manchester

4 June ’21
Emma checked out HOME whilst in Manchester.
Horniman Museum and Gardens Since 2019

12 February ’25
Alex was out today visiting the lovely team at the Horniman Museum to discuss new work on their collections web pages.

Squeezing a world of content into a museum site
Horniman Museum and Gardens

29 June ’20
Razvan's pet terrapin is helping him work on the Horniman site today.

24 June ’20
We're celebrating the Horniman's Great Walrus Tea Party today. Here's Patsy Alex's home stitched walrus, tucking into the cakes early.

19 September ’19
Jen, Claire and Anna took in the view at the Horniman before their meeting.

15 August ’19
Claire & Jack are exploring the Horniman after a quick client catch-up.

16 July ’19
Jack, Claire and Anna went to the Horniman to catch up with Connie and the team.

21 May ’19
Jack and Connie are butterfly spotting, having been chatting through the site architecture for the Horniman's new site.

Team outing to the Horniman Museum and Gardens
The Horniman Museum and Gardens is a landmark for South London. Lots of the team had visited over the years, but do we know it as well as we think?

14 March ’19
The team spent the afternoon exploring the Horniman Museum and Gardens.

27 February ’19
Anna, Claire and Jack are back at the Horniman leading a workshop about audiences.

26 February ’19
Anna and Jack are visiting the Horniman's Study Collection Centre and delving into lots of their many, many objects.

25 February ’19
Anna, Alex and Jack are at the Horniman, leading a communications workshop with their staff team.

20 February ’19
Anna, Jack and Michael are at Horniman Museum, meeting with Connie and Nick, their Director. Chatting about future vision planning and how our website project will feed into those plans.

13 February ’19
Anna, Jack and Michael are at Horniman Museum, kicking-off the major website project we've just begun with them.

17 January ’19
Jack's meeting our new client Connie, and the Walrus, at the Horniman Museum & Gardens to talk about a new website for them.

6 December ’18
Michael and Anna were given out-of-hours access to the World Gallery at the Horniman Museum. Here's Anna, leading a school of fish and following a shark.
Lakeside Arts Since 2023

12 March ’24
Nick was with the team at the gorgeous Lakeside Arts to provide training for their brand new website.

7 December ’23
Lakeside getting up close and personal with the designs for their new website.

16 June ’23
Justin, Nazma and Spencer made a trip to Nottingham to see the lovely people at Lakeside Arts.
Landmark Theatres Since 2020

25 November ’24
Nick spent some time with the lovely team at Landmark Theatres in Peterborough to kick off their website refresh project.

8 June ’21
Alex had some help from Harris the puppy to launch our latest site for the team at Selladoor.

18 May ’21
We're pressing the go live button on the first of a few sites for Selladoor. It's our first site launch from the studio in quite some time.

19 October ’20
We're chatting to Sam from Selladoor (over Zoom) about projects old and new.

Lock-down breakfast briefings
Ed takes a look back at our summer of Zoom breakfast briefings.

6 August ’20
We chatted with Sam from Selladoor about plans for social distancing at their venues.

17 February ’20
Jen's doing more CMS training today: this time for Sam from Selladoor.

9 December ’19
Sam form Selladoor was here to go through designs.

27 November ’19
After a design catch up with the team, Sam from Selladoor is working from the studio. This is his serious face.

15 October ’19
Sam from Selladoor dropped by to discuss wireframes over tea and biscuits

26 June ’19
The team from Selladoor are in the studio for a workshop.
Leeds Playhouse Since 2022

3 January ’24
Nazma ticked off another client in her unofficial "Cog client tour" with a visit to Leeds Playhouse.

20 October ’23
Nick headed over to Leeds Playhouse to catch Jonathan Harvey’s Beautiful Thing.

13 July ’23
Day one of the AMA conference at Leeds Playhouse. The Cog team, getting a 'photo with the band', the keynote speakers Kully Thiarai and the Leeds 5 (female cultural leaders of colour).
Leicester Square Theatre Since 2022

19 September ’23
Today's focus is on our first big-on-sale via Leicester Square Theatre's new website. It went like clockwork.

RHLSTP (Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theatre podcast)
Rounding off an eventful discussion day, we took a trip to Leicester Square Theatre for this month’s Cog Night. Laura and Spencer share their thoughts.

27 January ’23
Laura's got a new very helpful WFH colleague.

10 January ’23
The lovely team from Leicester Square Theatre made the boat trip to see us (and initial work on a new brand and website).

6 January ’23
Spencer and Michael spent a fascinating hour with Martin Witts (and Tom McGreggor), learning all about the theatre and its remarkable history.

19 December ’22
We're at Leicester Square Theatre for A Pissedmas Carol.

29 November ’22
Michael and Spencer have been running a communications workshop with the lovely team at Leicester Square Theatre.
Lewisham Borough of Culture Since 2021

We Are Lewisham
We Are Lewisham

Sun & Sea
For our July Cog Night we were excited for a collaboration between three of our clients. Emily gives her verdict.

We are Lewisham Day One
Launch day for London Borough of Culture, We are Lewisham

28 January ’22
It's Day One of Lewisham Borough of Culture. Here's Sadiq Khan in a branded mask, looking on while Gavin Barlow is interviewed on the telly.

27 January ’22
It was great to hear from Gavin Barlow, about Lewisham Borough of Culture, at this morning's Breakfast Briefing.
LIFT Since 2021

Bat Night Market at Science Gallery London (LIFT)
Alex gives his take on our June Cog Night, a LIFT event, taking us on a time travelling culinary journey to a (complicated) future without bats.

11 June ’24
June's Cog Night transported us to the Bat Night Market, part of LIFT.

10 June ’24
Nazma spent an afternoon volunteering for LIFT at the Southbank Centre.

22 June ’23
Nazma ran a Google Ads Training session for the team at LIFT today.

Sun & Sea
For our July Cog Night we were excited for a collaboration between three of our clients. Emily gives her verdict.

8 July ’22
We visited The Albany to see Sun & Sea by LIFT festival for our Cog Night.

12 May ’22
Today we had Kris Nelson join our Breakfast Briefing to talk us through how he made his journey to LIFT Festival from Canada via Dublin.

4 April ’22
In preparation for tomorrow's big on-sale date, Alex has launched a holding page for the new LIFT site.

1 March ’22
Training day! Alex is talking LIFT through their new website and how to update their content.

East Wall: Storm the Tower at Tower of London
July's Cog Night was in the historic setting of the Tower of London. Seated in the moat we experienced the choreographic delights of East Wall: Storm the Tower, presented by Historic Royal Palaces and LIFT. Emily gives us her perspective.

Neil Bartlett’s Stella at LIFT Festival
The 'true' story of infamous Victorian socialite, Ernest Boulton AKA Stella, is given an emotionally driven yet enigmatic treatment in Neil Bartlett's new play. Melissa tells us what she thought.

Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker
45 minutes of complete but perfectly choreographed madness, this is the craziest performance you could possibly see.

9 June ’16
At her 2nd LIFT event of the week, Sam's been at the launch of Clare Patey's Empathy Museum, a collaboration between Artsadmin, LIFT and NOW Gallery.

28 August ’15
Is this Michael, being papped, emerging from a swanky Shoreditch Hotel? No, it's part of an immersive theatre piece from Dream Think Speak and LIFT Festival.
Lighthouse, Poole’s Centre for the Arts Since 2022

15 April ’24
Nick is in a blustery Poole to catch-up with the team at the Lighthouse.

23 November ’22
Nick pressed the red button and launched a new website for Lighthouse Performing Arts Centre in Poole.

26 April ’22
Today Michael and Nick were visiting the Lighthouse in Poole to kick their website project off with an audience focused workshop.
Liverpool Biennial Since 2022

4 October ’24
Nazma had a chance meeting with our lovely client Petra from Liverpool Biennial, during an evening out at another client venue - HOME in Manchester.

16 May ’23
Nick celebrated Liverpool Biennial’s site going live with a virtual button press.

24 January ’23
The team from Liverpool Biennial are here, chatting about their lovely new website.

27 October ’22
Anna, Spencer and Nick were with the team at Liverpool Biennial to kick off their new website project.

22 September ’22
Today Michael and Nick were in an extremely soggy Liverpool for a very exciting meeting. Keeping fingers crossed.
Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse Since 2023

3 February ’25
Our lovely clients at Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse have sent a plethora of Liverpool made gifts to the studio.

22 January ’25
Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse's new site is live!

30 August ’23
Emma and Nick were in Liverpool today to kick off a website project for the lovely team at Everyman and Playhouse.

11 July ’23
Nick fulfilled a teenage dream, stepping on stage at Liverpool Everyman.

25 July ’18
Jack’s at the Everyman Playhouse Bistro for an evening of Jazz and dinner with fellow AMA conference attendees.
London Philharmonic Orchestra Since 2013

LPO: Jazz Roots, Soul Branches
Our February Cog Night was an early evening concert of jazz vignettes presented by London Philharmonic Orchestra. Michael gives us his take.

7 February ’24
It's Cog Night, we're at St John's in Waterloo for a Rush-hour concert from our friends at LPO.

17 November ’22
Spencer was ecstatic to push the big red button and launch the new London Philharmonic Orchestra's website this week.

10 March ’22
We're facilitating a workshop with the lovely team at London Philharmonic Orchestra.

16 October ’13
Ross is reading through the fourth and final edition of The Centurion newspaper, which we designed for the London Philharmonic Orchestra’s ”The Rest is Noise” season.

27 August ’13
We’ve just received copies of the Centurion newspaper we’ve designed for the London Philharmonic Orchestra’s The Rest is Noise season. It’s the 3rd issue we’ve designed and work has already begun on issue 4.

10 July ’13
Ross is shocked at our decision to join Europe. We’re yet to tell him that the paper’s actually from 1973. It’s research for our next edition of The Centurion, part of our work for the London Philharmonic Orchestra to promote The Rest is Noise season.

13 February ’13
Great to see our second London Philharmonic newspaper being given out at Greenwich Station yesterday. Good take-up, despite sub-zero conditions.

11 February ’13
Just taken delivery of issue 2 of our London Philharmonic ‘The Rest Is Noise’ newspapers, which are being distributed around London this week.

4 January ’13
Extra! Extra! We’ve got our hands on the first edition of The Centurion, the newspaper we designed for the London Philharmonic Orchestra, to promote The Rest Is Noise season. Keep your eyes open for copies being handed out in London tube stations next week.

9 November ’12
Jonathan has been researching Victorian illustrations, with the subject of music, for an exciting project were are working on for the London Philharmonic Orchestra
London Studio Centre Since 2021

23 March ’22
Anna went to speak to foundation students at Chelsea Centre for the Creative Industries.
Lyric Since 2016

24 April ’24
Michael and Justin are at Lyric Hammersmith for the press night of Minority Report.

10 October ’23
Jo and Lily were at Lyric Hammersmith for The Empress press night.

15 April ’22
Michael's in Hammersmith for the press night of Mike Bartlett's Scandaltown at Lyric.

Bringing a terrifying classic back to the stage
Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories at Lyric
For our April Cog night we headed to Lyric Hammersmith to see the highly anticipated return of Ghost Stories. Emily gives her chilling take on the evening.

28 March ’19
Jack, Anna and Michael are at the RSA, chatting with Dion and Amy, from Lyric Hammersmith.

26 October ’18
Jack and Ehti are catching up with the team at the Lyric about some changes to their site.

15 June ’18
Amy, from Lyric, is here to chat with Jack about their website.

22 January ’18
Jack and Tom are catching up with some of the Spektrix team to talk about a new project for Lyric, Hammersmith.

9 February ’17
We're back in Hammersmith, chatting websites with the lovely team at Lyric.

7 November ’16
Becca's at the Spektrix conference at Lyric Hammersmith today. It's a hive of ideas and networking, with exciting speakers from across the arts.

Shopping and F*cking at Lyric
October's Cog Night was the revival of Mark Ravenhill's shocking debut. Would this production at Lyric Hammersmith still have the power to offend? Matt gives us his opinions.

6 September ’16
Sam, Anna and Michael are in Hammersmith, at Lyric, kicking off their new website project with a staff workshop.

18 August ’16
Michael's in Hammersmith for a first meeting with new clients, Lyric. Catrin John gave him a tour of their amazing new building. And they couldn't resist having a quick walk through the stunning main auditorium.

4 November ’15
Sam's at the Spektrix conference, giving a 'lightening talk' about how to get the most from your agency. Here's the intimidating view from the stage at Lyric, Hammersmith.
Marlowe Theatre Since 2009

9 January ’24
Back at The Marlowe, chatting with Ben and the team about branding, brochures and websites.

Oh yes we did – moving panto online
We helped theatres across the country stream their 2020 pantos online during local lockdowns.

Giving The Marlowe presence and personality
The Marlowe branding

27 June ’19
Tonie's casting her eyes over the proofs for The Marlowe season brochure.

20 May ’19
Laxmi is having a look through the new Marlowe brochures we've designed.

3 December ’18
Michael and Jack are being given a tour of The Kit in Canterbury – their guides are John, Ben and Helene from The Marlowe.

5 July ’18
Jack’s having a look at The Marlowe’s new venue, The Kit, before meeting with their senior management team to talk about changes to their site.

14 June ’18
Jack and Michael are at The Marlowe, chatting about ways to make their website even better.

5 April ’18
Anna's received a delivery of the colourful Marlowe Summer season brochures that we've designed.

27 March ’18
Anna and Michael are in Canterbury, strolling by our favourite theatre.

20 March ’18
It's lunchtime. Jason and Helene are here, from The Marlowe, and Ben is here, from Spektrix. We're talking ticketing and how we can make the their site even better for audiences

2 August ’17
Anna is getting busy checking through the proofs for Marlowe Theatre's season brochure.

30 June ’17
We're in Canterbury, celebrating the success of the website we've built for The Marlowe. Ben and Helene kindly posed to recreate a photo from 2011.

19 April ’17
John, Helene and Ben from The Marlowe are here. Becca is guiding them through the backstage scenes of their new website.

29 March ’17
Michael's at The Marlowe. His visit coincided with a photoshoot of the auditorium. He found himself on the set of Ray Cooney's Out of Order, with Helene and photographer Tim Stubbings.

15 March ’17
We're at Spektrix, with The Marlowe team, talking purchase paths and event instances.

15 February ’17
Jack, Becca and Michael are back in Canterbury. They're presenting website designs to the whole team at The Marlowe.

7 February ’17
Michael, Matt and Jack are in Canterbury, presenting initial website concepts to our friends at The Marlowe.

11 January ’17
We've taken some time out to chat about a big new commission for The Marlowe.

5 January ’17
In a brief gap between a long day of meetings, Michael's staked his claim on a quiet corner of The Green Room, at The Marlowe, in Canterbury.

13 December ’16
Michael, Becca and Anna are in Canterbury, running a communications workshop with the lovely people from The Marlowe.

17 October ’16
Anna's received the full set of Marlowe Autumn brochures.

17 May ’16
Michael and Anna are at The Marlowe in Canterbury. Here's Anna being given a tour of their wonderful, aisle free, theatre by Kate Evans and John Baker.

8 February ’16
Jenny's donned the headset. It must be time to take detailed amends for the latest season brochure for The Marlowe.

2 December ’15
Michael and Jenny are in Canterbury, chatting with The Marlowe team – Kate, John, Helene and Ben.

13 November ’15
Jenny has just received the new Studio brochures in the post from The Marlowe Theatre. She's blown way by the neon colour.

12 October ’15
It's fluoro-day, the day when Jenny gets to choose the colour for the next Studio brochure for The Marlowe.

5 October ’15
Jenny's been taking amends for the next season brochure for The Marlowe Theatre. She's all smiles, one hour in.

20 August ’15
Michael and Jenny are in an epic meeting with most of the staff from The Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury.

5 August ’15
The proofs have arrived and are being checked by Jenny, bringing the curtain down on another round of season brochures for The Marlowe.

8 June ’15
Michael and Jenny are at The Marlowe in Canterbury, meeting with John and Kate to plan their next brochure.

12 March ’15
A surprise visit from The Marlowe's communications team. We went to Davy's for our first outdoor lunch of the year.

6 March ’15
Jenny and Michael are at The Marlowe, chatting about how to position their contemporary music offer.

2 October ’14
We've been at The Marlowe all day. Anti-clockwise from bottom left: John Baker, Helene Skoge, Mia Power, Sarah Munday, Ben Travis, Lucie Blockley, Amy Smith, oh and Michael.

28 August ’14
Ross is dazzled by our new issue of The Marlowe Theatre Studio brochure, printed in fluorescent (coincidentally Cog Green).

28 May ’14
Ocky and Michael are at the BFI cafe (one of our regular meeting points), talking to John Baker, from The Marlowe Theatre, about our new two year contract with them.

30 April ’14
Michael’s in Canterbury, taking photos of our branding work for The Green Room, the restaurant at The Marlowe Theatre. You can just about see him, reflected in the right hand window against the backdrop of the cathedral.

11 March ’14
Mike’s dazzled by our new issue of The Marlowe Theatre Studio brochure, printed in fluorescent.

27 January ’14
Ocky, loving the excuse to pop on a head-set, is on a lengthy phone call. He’s running through amends with the Marlowe team for their season brochure, which we produce with them 3 times a year.

5 December ’13
Our two new brochures for The Marlowe came in today. Ocky’s after some family fare in the main auditorium, whereas Mike’s looking for something more edgy in the Studio.

29 November ’13
Michael and Annelise have spent the day in Canterbury in back-to-back meetings at The Marlowe, including this gathering to talk about the interior design of their restaurant refurbishment.

15 October ’13
Greg’s checking proofs we’ve received of The Marlowe Theatre’s Spring Season brochure, which we’ve been working on for the past few weeks.

24 July ’13
Michael’s in Canterbury for the second day in a row. This time here’s there to talk to John Baker about their season brochure and membership magazine.

23 July ’13
Michael’s in Canterbury, running a workshop with The Marlowe Theatre team. There were some pretty intense discussions, fuelled by biscuits and sweets.

5 July ’13
Mike casts a critical eye over our design for the new brochure for The Marlowe Studio.

24 June ’13
Ross has been planning a summer of cultural events, aided by our new Marlowe Theatre brochure.

13 June ’13
Alan Bennett dropped in on us today, courtesy of the new cover of Spotlight magazine. Who knew he had such brawny hands?

18 April ’13
We’ve picked a copy of the The Marlowe Theatre’s summer season brochure which we’ve designed. Annelise is having a flick through before work begins on the autumn brochure next week.

2 April ’13
Dolly Parton made an appearance in the studio today, in the form of the front cover of our latest issue of Spotlight, The Marlowe Theatre’s membership magazine.

27 March ’13
Michael and Ocky are in Canterbury for a meeting at The Marlowe. Whilst in town, they popped by to see our branding and interpretation materials going up at Canterbury Roman Museum.

20 February ’13
Ocky’s been checking the proofs for the new Marlowe Friends Spotlight Magazine.

7 February ’13
Michael met with John and Paula, from the Marlowe, today. They were discussing ways to extend their hugely successful, award winning, brand.

11 January ’13
We’ve in Canterbury, visiting The Marlowe team and Jo at The Beaney. Here we are at the Marlowe, before sneaking into the matinée performance of Sleeping Beauty.

4 December ’12
Michael went to The Marlowe Theatre to watch their Sleeping Beauty panto, Here’s (some of) the Marlowe team, Ben Travis, Amy Smith, Sarah Munday, John Baker and Mia Power, having had post panto drinks.

9 October ’12
Ocky is poised and ready to go through amends with John Baker for the Marlowe Theatre brochure.

30 August ’12
John, Ben and Helene from the Marlowe have popped down to the studio for a catch-up, this time however, the panto van stayed in Canterbury.

21 August ’12
We’ve received our file copies for the latest edition of The Marlowe Friends membership magazine, Spotlight. This edition’s cover star is Gareth Gates, who is in panto at the Marlowe later in the year.

9 May ’12
Ocky and Michael are at the Southbank, meeting with John Baker from The Marlowe Theatre. Here’s John and Ocky ‘relaxing’ on deckchairs in front of the BFI.

1 May ’12
An unexpected surprise. We’d kind of forgotten that Ben Travis and Helene Skoge, from The Marlowe, were coming in. Luckily Ocky was well prepared.

10 April ’12
Our studio has been dominated by the design of the latest season brochure for The Marlowe Theatre, now it’s filled with printer’s proofs.

19 January ’12
Michael and Ocky spent the day in Canterbury with The Marlowe team - Ben Travis, John Baker and Helene Skoge.

6 December ’11
Michael’s been to the panto in Canterbury: press night at Cinderella. The Marlowe’s Ben and Helene kept him company.

4 October ’11
The Royal Gala opening of The Marlowe Theatre. Michael, Ocky, The Duke and Duchess of Kent and 1200 other people were there to celebrate.

26 August ’11
Delivery of the new season brochures for The Marlowe Theatre.

18 August ’11
Michael received this lovely invite to The Marlowe’s gala opening, featuring the logo we designed, many months ago.

16 August ’11
John and Mike, checking every detail of the season brochure for The Marlowe Theatre, a 56pg publication.

11 August ’11
Proofs, proofs and more proofs. John and Ocky and surrounded by sheets from The Marlowe's brochure and magazine.

1 August ’11
Longest phone call ever! John taking type corrections (from The Marlowe Theatre), over the phone, for almost 2hrs.
Museum & Library of the Order of St John Since 2010

Late at the Gate: Ye Olde Tavern Quiz
For May's Cog Night we took Matt to the Museum of the Order of St John for his first ever 'pub' quiz. He tells us what he made of the event.

17 May ’17
Cog night! We're The Museum of the Order of St John for a quiz night.

24 November ’16
Becca and Sæunn have been invited to the Museum of the Order of Saint John for an 18th Century themed evening of frolicking, frivolity and gin.

29 October ’15
Wine, crisps and quizzing. Jenny, Sam, Bryony, Sæunn and Michael are at the Museum of the Order of St John for a fundraising pub quiz. They've been joined by special guest, Lydia.

12 August ’15
Becca is pushing the launch button on a new website for The Museum of the Order of St John.

29 July ’15
Cake and website training with the lovely team from the Museum of the Order of St John.

16 July ’15
Peter from the Museum of the Order of St John has popped in. Becca is giving him a sneak peek of their new website. Ross is lurking behind.

Museum of the Order of St John: Private Tour
As our longstanding relationship with the historic museum continues, Curator Tom Foakes suggested a private tour for our April Cog night.

20 April ’15
Michael and Sam are at the Museum of the Order of St John. Here's Sam meeting with Curator, Tom Foakes.

10 November ’11
Michael’s out again. A multi-meeting tour of London, ending at the Museum of the Order of St John, about a possible new project.

10 August ’11
Shabana from London Museums Hub came in to proof the Stories of the World report that John is designing.
Nottingham Playhouse Since 2020

28 March ’24
Nick was at Nottingham Playhouse to watch The Children. It had him on the edge of his seat.

29 February ’24
Nick was at Nottingham Playhouse to catch the eagerly anticipated production of Minority Report.

5 December ’23
Nick kicked off his Christmas season with a trip to Nottingham Playhouse to catch their production of Cinderella.

Oh yes we did – moving panto online
We helped theatres across the country stream their 2020 pantos online during local lockdowns.

Producing for the producers, in a global pandemic
Nottingham Playhouse

26 November ’20
Breakfast briefing with the lovely Jo Sigsworth, telling us about the Unlocked season at Nottingham Playhouse.

Bubble at Nottingham Playhouse
For our October Cog Night we watched a live-stream of James Graham's play about the Covid-19 pandemic. Ed shares his account of the evening.

25 September ’20
It's launch day again! We've just put a new website for the Nottingham Playhouse live.

14 July ’20
Jen has been training the lovely Nottingham Playhouse team on their new site.
Opera Holland Park Since 2018

15 January ’24
The team are here from Opera Holland Park, chatting about website and ticketing.

The highlight of the operatic calendar
Opera Holland Park

4 March ’20
Philippa and Chloe from Opera Holland Park have popped in to talk about print with Anna.

L’arlesiana at Opera Holland Park
For our July’s Cog night we headed off to see the dress rehearsal of L’arlesiana at Opera Holland Park. Emily gives her take on the evening's entertainment.

18 December ’18
The team from Opera Holland Park have popped in to see us and chat about their new website before they head off to their Christmas party.

8 November ’18
It's training day. We're close to launching the new site for Opera Holland Park.

24 October ’18
Felicity, Chloe and Philippa from Opera Holland Park are in the studio to go through designs for their new site.

25 September ’18
Michael, Anna and Jack are meeting with Felicity and Chloe at Opera Holland Park. It's the first presentation of visuals for their new site.

23 August ’18
Jack and Alex are at Opera Holland Park's headquarters planning their brand new site!

15 August ’18
Felicity, Chloe and Philippa from Opera Holland Park are in the studio to kick off their website project with us.
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Since 2018

Baroquebusters at the Southbank Centre
Baroquebusters at the Southbank Centre

10 January ’25
Last night was our first Cog Night of 2025 - we had a terrific time at the Southbank Centre, for OAE's Baroquebusters concert.

9 October ’24
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment's new site is live!

2 September ’24
Marta met up with the OAE team today for a website training session.

3 April ’24
Alex, Justin and Michael are at the Royal Festival Hall for OAE's performance of Sibelius Symphony #5.

26 February ’24
Michael and Justin are at OAE, meeting Doug and Edward, amongst scores of scores.

19 February ’24
The lovely team from OAE are in the studio today.

18 September ’23
Doug is here, from OAE, chatting with Emma and Nick about their website.

31 January ’22
Michael and Alex are visiting Edward, Doug and the OAE team at their new home in Acland Burghley School.

Questioning convention and reinventing classical
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

28 May ’20
Our breakfast briefing was with Elle from OAE. A fascinating insight into what it's like to be an orchestral organisation that isn't allowed to perform concerts.

1 November ’19
Michael and Jen have popped in to see John Holmes on his last day at the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment.

11 April ’19
The team are talking about colour at the OAE.

5 April ’19
Jen and Jack are on a video call with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Tessitura.

6 March ’19
Marina from the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment is for our breakfast briefing. She's here to chat with us about fundraising, memberships and philanthropy.

4 March ’19
Anna and Claire visited the OAE and their big instruments.

The Night Shift at CLF Art Cafe
For our February Cog Night, we ventured into Peckham to see members of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment perform at the CLF Art Cafe. Jack tells us what it was like.

16 January ’19
Jack and Anna are running a communications workshop with our new clients, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment.

24 September ’18
Jack’s at an Arts Marketing Association networking event, listening to John from the OAE talk about creative ways of engaging touring venues and local audiences.
Rich Mix Since 2018

29 January ’21
Anna had a socially distanced tour of the Rich Mix building today.

An eclectic multi-space arts venue and cinema
Rich Mix website

Culture for a changing city
Rich Mix branding

Happy 28th Cog
To help us celebrate our 28th we’ve thrown a party at Rich Mix for our clients, friends and family. Chief party organiser, Emily gives her take on the evening.

4 October ’18
Anna and Michael are at Rich Mix for the launch of their new season (and branding and website). They took a lot of photos of the lovely new signage.

11 September ’18
The Rich Mix team are here to learn more about the ways their new website is going to make the venue even better than it already is.

3 September ’18
Anna’s been meeting with the two Jens at Rich Mix this afternoon.

20 August ’18
The Rich Mix Jens are here to talk about their new site.

19 July ’18
Drama in venue one at Rich Mix as Jack and Anna prepare to share some initial website concepts with Jen and Eddie.

22 June ’18
It's workshop day at Rich Mix. Michael and Anna worked with a big group of enthusiastic staff, in Venue 1.

18 June ’18
Jack and Michael are visiting our new clients, Rich Mix. They're in the board room, chatting with Eddie Berg and Jen Bartle.

6 June ’18
Jack and Michael are meeting with Jen at Rick Mix for a kick-off meeting about a new website.

Time Share at Rich Mix
The Cog team went to the Rich Mix to watch the UK premiere of Time Share as part of the East End Film Festival.

18 April ’18
Cog Night – we're at Rich Mix to see the film, Timeshare.
The Roald Dahl Museum Since 2023

6 October ’23
Roald Dahl's new website is a real razztwizzler!

22 March ’23
Emma and Nick were at the Roald Dahl Museum today to kick off their new website project.
Royal College of Music Since 2015

The best conservatoire in Europe
Royal College of Music

15 May ’17
Jack and Matt were at the Royal College of Music today to chat about the next phases for RCM's new website.

12 January ’17
Jack and Sæunn are at Royal College of Music in their fancy digital meeting room. New website coming soon.

4 November ’16
Sam and Sæunn went to Kensington today to meet with Katherine and Adam at the Royal College of Music.

14 October ’16
It's lovely to have Katherine and Adam here from Royal College of Music. Hobnobs just sweeten the deal.